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  1. Dahlia

    Garden humor thread..

    Every Mother's day my girls ask me what I would like for a gift. It's ALWAYS the same request: flowers in a pot, seeds, or a plant coupon!
  2. Dahlia

    Greetings from Southern Wisconsin

    Welcome to the forum from the Pacific Northwest!
  3. Dahlia

    Thought of TEG Cat Owners

    When I was a kid, our family piled into the car one day and went for a pleasure drive. When we reached our destination everyone got out of the car. To our surprise our cat had come along too! He had hidden somewhere under the hood of the car and rode with us in there! He was totally fine...
  4. Dahlia

    Ducks 4 in '24

    We had this orange tabby type cat that adopted us and it would go for walks with us like a dog! It was so funny because when we passed a tree, the cat would run up and down the tree super fast and then rejoin us on our walk! Lol!
  5. Dahlia

    Fleabane? Horseweed? Or something else?

    That sounds smart. It definitely will help identify the plant.
  6. Dahlia

    Fleabane? Horseweed? Or something else?

    That's a tough one! I think it might be something else...not sure tho
  7. Dahlia

    What Did You Do In The Garden?

    It seems that a lot of people are experiencing unusual weather lately. I just talked to my mom who lives in northern CA. She told me they have had lovely 70 degree weather for some time and then it snowed yesterday! Go figure!
  8. Dahlia

    The Italian Police

    I liked this one!
  9. Dahlia

    What are You Eating from the Garden?

    Do you offer online orders in your shop? You have such lovely things that would make wonderful gifts! 😍
  10. Dahlia

    Goin' to the Dogs!

    Sounds like my oldest daughter. She spends hours every week vacuuming as she has two Russian Blues!
  11. Dahlia

    Your Weather, 2024

    The weather this month is the coldest on record since the early 80s! Actually even one degree colder than that record! We have been experiencing lots more cloud cover too.
  12. Dahlia

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Wow that is such a cool shot! 👍
  13. Dahlia

    PVC Why do you see it used in gardening?

    I know some people that don't have very much space for growing things use the large pipes and attach them to a shelf like structure and then grow their plants in them in a stacked manner. I have heard that there are many kinds of PVC. Some are toxic and supposedly there are some that aren't.
  14. Dahlia

    I live beach side in eastern central Florida and I want to make a vegetable garden. I prefer organic. Does anyone have tips? Sandy soil and salt air.

    Hello and welcome to the forum from the Pacific Northwest. I have some dear friends that live in South Carolina, 3 blocks from the beach. They have a lovely garden there with fruit trees and raised garden beds with veggies. They had to put up netting to keep the birds from eating the fruit...
  15. Dahlia

    What Did You Do In The Garden?

    Well, the good news is you can keep it all to yourself! 😋
  16. Dahlia

    What are You Eating from the Garden?

    Other than cobbler, what other recipes do you use rhubarb in? My mom used to make a rhubarb pie and also jam.
  17. Dahlia

    Thought of TEG Cat Owners

    My cat loves catnip and goes crazy when she's near some, and runs around the yard and rolls next to the plants!
  18. Dahlia

    Joy in the Little Things

    I would LOVE to! 😍
  19. Dahlia

    What Did You Do In The Garden?

    One year, my daughter and I planted a veggie garden without markers and we forgot where everything was. It was a fun surprise watching everything pop up and we were like oh that's where that was!
  20. Dahlia

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Wow! Those are absolutely gorgeous!