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  1. S

    Composting question

    I have a raised bed planter (2 or 3' tall) that we're putting the compost into. I'll turn it over the winter and in the spring, top off with a foot of soil and plant in that. Then in the fall, after it's all nicely rotted, we can turn the potting soil into the compost for the following year...
  2. S

    Composting chicken poop

    I'm hoping to have chickens in a month or so and use the deep litter method. I want to plant raised beds in the spring If I let the litter go all winter long, then haul it out to the garden, how close to ready will it be to using? Do I need to leave it in a pile to age for longer before I can...
  3. S

    Winter soil amendment

    I'd like to have a garden next spring, as it's too late for this year. If I pick a spot, what can I do to make it fabulous over the winter? I was thinking putting down a lot of composted horse manure and maybe putting in a cover crop that can be tilled under in the spring? Is there anything...