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  1. C

    Attn: bee lovers :)

    :ep Holy Cow! That is a lot of bees! Chellie
  2. C

    My yard (pic heavy)

    The Forsythias are really pretty! Chellie
  3. C

    Square foot gardening...has anyone used this method??

    Hey Rob, I recommend that you either plant the corn elsewhere (it takes up a lot of space for relatively little production) or, plant climbing beans next to the corn so that the beans can use the corn stalks as a trellis. :) Another great way to grow beans is to make a teepee...
  4. C

    Square foot gardening...has anyone used this method??

    Ive grown zucchini on a trellis of sorts. Only problem with growing zucchini in close quarters , as in square foot gardening, is that the leaves are large and project outward, which can cause crowding. The problem that this causes with zucchini in our area is powdery mildew, which is best...
  5. C

    Still battling ants

    I purchased some non-toxic ant spray that contained mint oil as the active ingredients. It didnt seem to kill the ants unless you sprayed it directly on them, but they didnt seem to like it either. It makes me wonder if perhaps mint in the garden would repel ants, anyone try that? Chel
  6. C

    Gonna start one here, so this forum don't look empty this is one of my favorites. Chellie
  7. C

    How to keep Racoons out of the garden

    Pat, Thanks so much for all the good, detailed information about electric fencing. Chellie
  8. C

    Display zones?

    Another good map is the Sunset Climate Zone map, especially for those in the west. The USDA Hardiness map only covers winter lows and doesnt distinguish between other climate factors. The Sunset zones will give you additional information on your zone and can be used as a supplement to the...