Search results

  1. Pakalana

    Mustard Seed Gardener, how did it go?

    How did the appt go? It's been a while and I've been side-tracked lately, but I've been thinking about you. Hope you're getting some answers.
  2. Pakalana

    From Harvest to Holidays

    I'm planning on lavender jelly, lavender goat's milk soap and knitting a couple of wash clothes to go with it all for Christmas presents. The milk came from our goat (lost her this spring). If we go out for Thanksgiving, I take along a jar of harvest spice peaches and pickles. If not, they...
  3. Pakalana

    From Harvest to Holidays

    Going with janetnjim's thread idea. What/Will you be giving as gifts from your harvest? Does it go as is, or does it get spruced up a bit? Do you have homemade gifts that go with it all?
  4. Pakalana

    I'm here in Washington state

    Oh boy, my dh had to have the EMG for his hand and arm....pretty much the same reaction. Well, the one big fire over here was arson and they have a sizable reward out, maybe they'll be able to catch someone this year. There's another that started yesterday, just south of us. The season isn't...
  5. Pakalana

    I'm here in Washington state

    How did the appointment go?
  6. Pakalana

    I'm here in Washington state

    My dh ended up going to a neurosurgeon over there because of the nature of his disk injury, no one was willing to touch it here (not the best place for advanced medical). He was referred to Dr. Sanford Wright at the Everette Neurological Center (he does have a website). My cousin also knows...
  7. Pakalana

    I'm here in Washington state

    They aren't ringing a bell, knew Deckers though. ;) My midwife and inlaws do though. I'm sorry to hear it, for you and them.
  8. Pakalana

    Finally! I was starting to worry

    Burning and smokey. The one that's running right now is in perfect terrain to burn a while. We had a storm move through last night that brought a bunch of rain (lots of lightening too) and we're getting more rain today, so hopefully that will help things out. Luckily we're close enough to town...
  9. Pakalana

    Finally! I was starting to worry

    I pulled the first of the corn last night!! Yay! My green beans are giving off the first of the picking, always somewhat spavin, then they kick into gear. I found a couple of tomatoes that will be ripe in a day or so. I have a couple of crops that haven't done well, but it's that kind of year...
  10. Pakalana

    Attn: bee lovers :)

    Somewhat late on a response ;) but... Bees swarm usually when there are two queens in a hive. The old queen will take a portion of the hive with her to find a new home. The colony can't survive without a queen, there's a very delicate timeline involved with bee life cycles, especially...
  11. Pakalana

    I'm here in Washington state

    There's a Dr I knew there, she and her dd moved out from NY. Her dd and I rode at the same stable for awhile. They lived in Buckley for a while. Starting to wonder how small the world really is. :) I've been wondering, there was (not sure if it's still there or not) a small store on the...
  12. Pakalana

    Am I the only nutbag who does this?

    I've done this for years with plants and decorating. I just found one from when I was 16, interesting how my taste has changed. I keep mine in a 3 ring binder in page protectors, it covers plants to recipes. I'm still figuring out what grows best, so I keep notes on variety, when it went in...
  13. Pakalana

    I'm here in Washington state

    I could tell, I miss that view. :) One of dh's uncles used to have a place out that way. We've both got family, I've got friends over there still, although some have moved over here. Bonney Lake, Wilkeson, Enumclaw (my midwife), Everette, Snohomish, they're all over. We don't get over that way...
  14. Pakalana

    The best 25 cents I've ever spent

    I found a cookbook years ago, paid the same and it's been used the most of all my cookbooks. It's their revised edition, so to make apple butter the directions no longer state to fire up the kettle in the backyard. ;) I just bought a reprint of Betty Crockers book from the 50's also. I tripped...
  15. Pakalana

    I'm here in Washington state

    You're getting close to home now, dh and I grew up in Enumclaw!
  16. Pakalana

    This ought to be a good one.....who is from BYC??

    I did, although I haven't posted in ages. Same user name.
  17. Pakalana

    I'm here in Washington state

    In North Central Washington here. Due to a weird, long, cold Spring and life, my garden....can I cry now??? The melons are all looking rather pathetic, peas are doing great! I tried the Wando this year and am going to stick to it. It fares the heat so much better. Poor garden, it's just...