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  1. D

    Lawn Top Dressing

    * Oh, and ryegrasses, annuals and perennials, carry endophytes as well, sorry to say. Having sheep, you may have hear of the illness called "ryegrass staggers"?? Wanta guess what causes it? :/
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    Lawn Top Dressing

    *Sorry it took so long, Beekissed, "technical difficulties". Endophytes are alkaloid fungus, a natural pest defense in fescue grasses, but they can cause serious problems in any animal that eats the fescue in quantity. Here's one link: A lot...
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    low water weed resistant grass????

    * They could be talking about the relatively new "turf-type" tall fescues. They are supposed to be lower growing, and much deeper rooted than the old fescues. I had been planning to experiment with a couple varieties before we decided to move. I haven't seen them advertised on TV though, only...
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    What is ruining my lawn??????

    *Lol!!! O.k. -- who's been spying on me?!?!?
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    Lawn Top Dressing

    * So true, Beekissed! I am moving in a month, and one thing I wish I could take is my lawn!! I have worked hard and spent much in the past 5 years taking it from nearly straight sand to nearly 1OO% lawn. But, I guess I can take what I've learned instead, eh? Can't help much with your project...
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    Lawn Top Dressing

    * Hey, Nifty-- Made it over here. How is your top-dressing experiment going?? It was a staple in getting my lawn going. Even a tiny amout a few times a year really seemed to help. Since we are pretty alkaline, our formula was 2-3 parts topsoil, 1 part peat moss, 1/2 part compost and a few...
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    What is ruining my lawn??????

    *Hi, scrapmom! Glad you figured it out. I was about to say that it sounded like fire ant runs, except you shouldn't have them there at all!