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  1. T


    Has anyone purchased this ? On the infomercial it looks great but we all now how deceiving that can be.
  2. T

    Thai Peppers

    I have a ton of Thai peppers. What do you folks do with them ? Any recipes for sauces that can be canned ? I figured I would dry some but I have a lot.
  3. T

    Jalapa peppers

    I grew a pepper labeled as Jalapa. I believe it is a variety of Jalapeno. It has produced very well, however the peppers are changing colors from green to black. They are still on the plant and are still very firm. Is this normal ?
  4. T


    When your garlic goes to seed do you cut it off to redirect more energy to the bulb ?
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    Mushy Asparagus

    I had some nice looking spears a couple of days ago. Now they are all mushy and look to be dead or on their way. Does a heavy frost cause this or something else ? I just planted them last year. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
  6. T

    Tomatoe problems

    By the time my tomatoes ripen they have big dark spots where they attach to the plant making them unusable. Anyone know the remedy for this?