Berries, berries, and more berries!


Attractive To Bees
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Shapleigh, Maine
skeeter9 said:
That sounds really nice, Carol. I'm sure anybody living near your land is happy to have your garden to look at instead of a landfill! Hauling water is definitely a pain in the patootie, but at least you don't have far to go. Do you have a water truck, or do you use the big water tanks you can put in the bed of your truck?

Lesa, we planted a couple of apple trees this year, too. Can't wait until they are old enough to bear lots of fruit! 20 raspberry plants??? That seems like a lot, but what do I know - I'm definitely a berry beginner!! :hu I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I want at least boysenberries and blackberries. I'd really like raspberries, too . . . I wonder if cattle will eat the bushes????
I know that I was very excited when I discovered some wild raspberry canes in our back 40. We decided to put electric fence around and have our cows clean up the area. I thought, "no problem, they won't eat something with thorns on it." WRONG! Oh yeah, they will eat the bushes. Every last one, right down to the ground! :rolleyes: