Edible Arrangement Thank You.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Well you are a sweetie and Milo's new owners sound fabulous. I love the fruit bouquet Thank You idea.

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
I certainly can understand. I'd have done the same myself.

As a matter of fact, Near the end of December I gave a tenant a 28 day notice to move out of my property before February first. A few weeks ago, I asked him if he'd found a new place. He gave a muted, "uh-huh", which I took to mean yes.

Today I asked him again about when he would be moving. He said he totally didn't know why I was expecting him to move. Last year about this time, he promised to pay his rent arrears with the first $2000 of his tax refund. I know he filed in late January, but by April 1 I had seen nothing of the promised money. In fact, he was even further behind in his rent.

In April I gave him a 5 day notice to move or pay. He came over with more excuses -- everyone a winner -- and promised to catch up by paying something every other week so I let him stay, again. I have repeatedly told him I am not his mother, sibling, family member, or banker. I need the rent money to pay my bills.

Skip several months, he came over and paid $600 in December. Checking my records, I saw that he still owed more than he had last April so I gave him his notice to move. Today he seemed so shocked that I still expected him out even after complaining that he hadn't worked for two weeks so he didn't have money for January's rent.

I finally explained that I had to evict him because, by enabling him, I was making a thief and liar out of him and that wasn't fair to him or to his family. Therefore, it was entirely my fault that he had to move out and find a better landlord -- one that would help keep him proud and honest. SHUT ME UP! He was shocked! He didn't have a thing to say in response to my argument.

A bit later he did say that he supposed he could be out by April 1. No, I reminded him, I said February 1. He told me that he could and would pay me a couple thousand when he got his taxes back. (Where have I heard that before/)

Then he said he'd be out to my house next weekend to pay some on the rent. I said I'd expect him (I don't) and that he still needed to find another place to live. The worst of it is, I've already given his brother-in-law a must-move notice, but gave him an extra month because I thought his wife was pregnant. They owe over $7,000 and have continued to fall behind since last April. What's the chance they will ever manage to catch up? I didn't see any of his tax returns from last year either.

I really don't make a very good landlord. I am too much the marshmallow to a sob story. Besides, even when I need to reach into my savings to pay the bills I can't cover without their rents, I'm not starving. Some day I might, when the savings are gone. Right now we are blessed to 'have enough'.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
@Smart Red you already know this.... they HAVE to go before your savings are gone! I am afraid I would be a softie too that is why I would not allow DH to buy property to rent!
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Rhodie Ranch

Garden Master
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State, 8b
Smart Red, I too am a sob story landlord. These last tenants, well, their story was similar. They only paid $1350 a month for a fab home (3 bed 3 bath) and yet they were always late. I had to evict them in October and they still owe me over $2000 for rent and repairs. Its a loooong story. Well, we're are selling the house for a $64K loss this month. I'm over it...


Garden Master
Nov 16, 2011
Reaction score
Southeast VA
Knowing that an adoption worked out so well is a GREAT feeling isn't it.
Well Done!