When and how to Prune a drought damaged, 5yo Pear Tree


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Looking for advice from our tree experts, here.
I've had this pear tree for 4 years. Until July, it was full and lush and needing a winter pruning only to keep it short enough for harvest. Now, bc of the drought, a good 1/4 of the leaves have turned brown. Yes, I've watered it...some--not enough to drown it. Yes, the other leaves look very good. No, ALL of my other fruit trees--6--don't have this problem, and I think it's bc of location, and daily shade from some other, taller trees. Yes, we've pulled out of the drought at my place, with about 5 inches of rain in the last 3 weeks, and the grass has turned to green, again, and again, it needs mowing--YOU understand.
I've read that you should only prune a fruit tree in late winter, so you don't invite an insect invasion. Should I wait until them? Should I take some neon spray paint and mark the affected branches, then test for "wick" next February before I trim them? Should I just prune off anything dead now? I'm happy to wait. I don't want to ruin the tree bc the trunk looks great. No pictures today--I'll add some in the next week if you need to see what it looks like.
Of course, with 2 timely frosts in April, we got NO FRUIT this year. Thanks, ahead of time. :D