Dreams and their Meaning


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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I've worked out the age thing in my dreams.

In my dreams I suddenly become a time traveller, I will explain...
Many moons ago. I had a visit from a family abroad, and strangely enough I dreamt about one of the members of that family.

My dream.
For some unknown reason I was about to make a journey, I always having difficulty in finding anywhere (besides my kitchen sink :oops: )

This gentleman intended too meet me at some point, but arranged for this lovely young lady too meet up with me first.
She was a musician and had a guitar with her. She then guided me too the point of where this friend was going to link up with me and he was exactly the same age as he was when I met him all those years ago.

By the time I met him again my back and hips was painful (it must have been all that travelling) then I woke up, really disappointed after all that extertion and travelling about only to find myself in my bed :confused::rolleyes::hu 💤

:ducNext time he visits me, he can bloody well pick me up from my home, dream or in reality :rant🤣

Anyway, it looks as if I dream of people that are the age that they were when I last saw them.

Mystery solved and case closed
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Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
The recent discussion on relaxing and getting enough sleep may have had a benefit with me being able to fall back asleep twice this morning :).

Related dreams came before each awakening 🥱. Maybe you can understand – the dreams probably have to do with the anticipation of garden production. "Now what am I going to do with all of this??"

In my dreams, I had an abundance of strawberries. It mattered not a wit that, in real life, I have never grown an abundance of strawberries! Well, I decided to sell them at a farmers' market. The problem was, I had never been to the farmers' market and didn't really know where in this city it was. The second problem was that the market was having a faltering start for a new season. Only 1 or 2 other sellers showed up, no management. Fortunately, a wholesale buyer arrived and and bought all my berries! Then, I couldn't find where I parked the car!

The second dream, I had returned to this city's downtown to find the office of the company that had bought the strawberries for payment. This time, DW was with me and I again parked in the wrong place, too far from the office. Had to wait for the check then hurrying back after what I had thought would be a short time for her to wait.

Third dream. A pre-market vendor meeting and 3 women were taking charge of the opening of the New Enterprise. They were so excited and everyone had brought a sample of their offerings. All strawberries! Each basket of berries set down on the table at the front, brought enthusiastic interest from the three. I'm thinking, Great! It's a big city with, potentially, lots of customers. I just hope that the 3 maintain their enthusiasm and make this market happen!

🍓Steve 🍓🍓🍓


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
My dream yesterday was a simple one and involved a garden plant. I'm sure that the motivation for the dream is DW's disappointment with the Large Red Cherry tomatoes in 2023.

While she was disappointed, I was pleased with them! I thought, Wow, the seed company has really done a good job selecting these for tasty fruit. LRC has improved! DW was saying that they aren't Large! And, they somehow aren't quite suitable for her salsa now! Not bland enuf, or something ...

In my simple dream, I am searching for the right Large Red Cherry and, I think that I have found it. The silly thing about it is that the find isn't a packet of seed, it's a full-grown PLANT! I'm struggling to wrap my arms around the huge pot, the huge plant covered with fruit ... I'm thinking, how am I going to get this home? And, I wake up.

;) Steve


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I had something of a fun dream this morning.

I was talking to a couple and had the idea that they were Italian professionals making a movie or documentary set in the US. Something we were talking about was coffee. The woman seemed to have less command of English and was a little impatient about understanding the American terms related to making coffee. She seemed impatient and mixing up barbecue and roasting terms :D.

I said that coffee making at home continues to change. "Another 20 years, Another 20 years, Another 20 years, Another 20 ... Gasp!"

They both looked at me with concern with the gasp. :D

I woke up thinking how funny it was to be talking to Italians about making coffee. And, their reaction when they thought that the olde fellow was having some kind of a senior moment.



Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
The recent discussion on relaxing and getting enough sleep may have had a benefit with me being able to fall back asleep twice this morning :).

Related dreams came before each awakening 🥱. Maybe you can understand – the dreams probably have to do with the anticipation of garden production. "Now what am I going to do with all of this??"

In my dreams, I had an abundance of strawberries. It mattered not a wit that, in real life, I have never grown an abundance of strawberries! Well, I decided to sell them at a farmers' market. The problem was, I had never been to the farmers' market and didn't really know where in this city it was. The second problem was that the market was having a faltering start for a new season. Only 1 or 2 other sellers showed up, no management. Fortunately, a wholesale buyer arrived and and bought all my berries! Then, I couldn't find where I parked the car!

The second dream, I had returned to this city's downtown to find the office of the company that had bought the strawberries for payment. This time, DW was with me and I again parked in the wrong place, too far from the office. Had to wait for the check then hurrying back after what I had thought would be a short time for her to wait.

Third dream. A pre-market vendor meeting and 3 women were taking charge of the opening of the New Enterprise. They were so excited and everyone had brought a sample of their offerings. All strawberries! Each basket of berries set down on the table at the front, brought enthusiastic interest from the three. I'm thinking, Great! It's a big city with, potentially, lots of customers. I just hope that the 3 maintain their enthusiasm and make this market happen!

🍓Steve 🍓🍓🍓
:plbb 😂 I've only just found this :clap


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
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mid-Michigan, USoA
there is no justice in dreams.

at least there was little for this guy who i thought had stole my tray of dry beans that had some neat specimens. after accusing him of taking it and looking through the trays he was carrying of course it wasn't there. dreams do this sort of thing all the time. short term memory doesn't often get to long term memory in dreams so you often are looking for things that used to be there but aren't any longer (this fits with one theory of why we dream to begin with that it is a way of discarding some memories that aren't being actively used and perhaps reinforcing those that are).

it ended up ok, he wasn't too upset but he did mildly berate me for the accusation as he was sitting up against the wall in the corner when i apologized and returned his trays.


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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I had a strange few dreams from Sunday right through to Mon/Tuesday morning.
They sort of kept linking up.

It was what I considered too be my first real love. I'm in no way a romantic, and trust me when I say I wouldn't be in any form of relationship, not for any reason at all. Anyway my dream/dreams

Obviously I cannot totally recall all of it but they were as I said continuing...

Sunday night...
In this dream place' where I was living, there was some sort of issue and I had to leave. Now this absolute love of my life somehow turned up from the other side of the world, because he wanted to help me move (yeah right, like travelling thousands of miles to assist me)

He was picking up my belongings and arranging my new dream accommodation for me. How sweet of him.

I woke up and needed a bathroom break then I immediately went back to sleep. Then this dream kept going :\ . I was confused as I awoke. Having this dream continue like some kind of TV series

Monday night, it keeps right on going. It was just exhausting. And I must say a little disappointing that my big love wasn't really here. Or maybe not, because I haven't so much as seen this guy in well over 40 years 🙄
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Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
Memory of this morning's dream was refreshed as soon as I was up and had read @GottaGo 's post in the weather thread about her need for flower garden work after a ground hog visit. We have marmots here but both are Marmota species. They are a likely pest in the distant garden and I am faced with an immediate need to take action to, at the very least, discourage their visits.

In the dream, I was just returning to the garden for the season. Apparently, the year before I had needed to deal with the marmot in two locations where they had been and that their tracks indicated that they were back.

Things were not quite the same as in real life. One of the marmot locations was on the neighbor's property. That's not unusual but it was an old cellar in the dream.

Now, this is in the "exburbs" where I have watched the changes over the years as it is evolving from a farming area, to pieces of ground for horse pasture and hay, to a good deal of fallow ground – maybe being mowed once or twice a year. There is still something of a mix although the neighbor just across the road there has about 2 acres of land with a huge house. Not one plant is allowed to grow except a tiny lawn right up against the house. Year after year, those 2 acres are sprayed with herbicides and his view to the north is simply dirt. It must make some sense to him, have a house built outside of the city so that you can kill everything in sight. I am successful in "overlooking" that ground since it is a little downhill and appreciate ignoring wasteland.

Anyway, in the dream and right beside my garden, someone evidently decided to make use of the property for growing potatoes. There were bags and bags of seed potatoes that had been moved into that cellar, the home of the marmot! And he was home, somewhere behind the sacks of potatoes. There were Marty the Marmot tracks right over the human tracks. 🐀. Someone had made a serious mistake and correction was needed!



Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
The weird dream in the middle of the night had a vaguely familiar name associated with it. I was determined to check on it this morning.

Looking at a booklet that identified garden flower varieties, one page had 2 roses and the caption was "Brown and Williamson." I started to turn the page and then thought, "no one would name a rose 'Brown!'" Surprised, I woke up.

Repeatedly, I fell asleep and awakened, thinking of that name. This morning, with the aid of the internet, I found why it was familiar.

Brown and Williamson was the company that manufactured the cigarettes that I smoked when I was finally able to quit smoking. They were the subject of newspaper and television exposure for enhancing the addictive qualities of their tobacco products. That exposure played an important role in the massive settlement between the tobacco industry and the states, regarding the damage to human health. The betrayal of humanity in the interest of profit ...


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