Problem may have solved itself


Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Lower Hudson Valley, New York
Today I was taking out some corn starts to the cold frame, and I noticed something interesting. The small mulberry tree that is next to our wall, actually has fruit Moreover it is now clear that it's original seed must have come from farther away than I thought. The big mulberry across the street is white (I think) or maybe reddish fruited. This one is jet black. Will have to taste it to see if its any good.

But this actually solves a problem I was having. You remember that, on my back patio there has been another mulberry tree on probation, because I can't tell if it descends from a wild dropped seed or one of the eating berries I dumped there. I thought I'd have to bite the bullet and plant it in the ground before I would ever know. But if a mulberry tree can bear fruit at the size of the one on the side (which is smaller than the one in the pot on the patio) I don't have to do ANYTHING yet, I can wait let it bear fruit in the pot, taste it and know then.