Dreams and their Meaning


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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I wish @digitS' Would add his dream about his father here

Another strange dream...

I met this young fair haired girl who invited me too go along with her this journey. it involved food so I was definitely interested :drool

When we arrived at this hall the table of food was almost bear, only a couple boiled eggs and chopped avocado remained :(

While at this hall this lady introduced me too our pm, who looked nothing like him, his hair was much darker. He really had no interest in speaking too me and I didn't get a good feeling from this man at all

Apparently we were going too travel to Germany but I decided I didn't want to go.
I guess the lack of food and this man who had nothing to say to me had made my decision

Then I woke up

Artichoke Lover

Deeply Rooted
Dec 31, 2020
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North Alabama zone 7b
I had a weird nightmare the other night. Something about some sort of lake monster and the fact that no one else would believe me. The funny thing was that the monster looked just like a friends chain.

Other than that It’s mostly been lucid dreams about books I’ve been reading. Which ranges from fun to terrifying depending on the book :gig


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
In real life, I was at the doctor's office, yesterday. Mostly, a medicine checkup. One of the results was, "why are you taking this medicine?" I didn't prescribe it, thought that I'd better take it. "Well, stop it and see how it goes." Oh, okay. That and some fairly good news on tests so I'm feeling pretty good through the afternoon. Go to bed and have a "bad" dream about Dad.

I often dream about Dad since he passed away, usual it is just that we are together, doing something. This dream, he was impatient with me. "You are only as old as you feel." He says. "We are both in our 70's and I feel ten years younger."

I'm fairly sure that if I had been awake, I would have asked, "how can we both be in our 70's?" Instead I say, "Oh yeah? Well, I feel 55!"

Immediately, I think how rude! Why am I trying to one-up the old guy? I wake up. Feeling guilty.

There's the dream, Marie :)


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
Another dream with Dad: I wanted to show him this field of invasive weeds that were, somehow, kind of special. Supposedly, this place was very near the house and we set off from the backyard. Couldn't find it.

Instead, we found this flooded field with the sprinklers still running. We were in water above our ankles!

About this time, two guys who I had worked for showed up. One was an old fellow in the 1970's and with him was his son. The son recognized us immediately, even knowing Dad's name. We were talking about old times and about our fathers then and now. Then, we realized that the fathers had wandered off in opposite directions and disappeared. Neither had said a word of greeting nor of goodbye, they were just gone. Apparently, they weren't enjoying the get-together.

I don't know if it related to the dream but I had been thinking about that post @Carol Dee had in the humor thread about an old person not being grouchy, just that they had stopped being polite and were honest about things. I've also been thinking about my aging.

No, I'm going with old people being grouchy and tending to be impolite, also ;). It's excusable in some ways -- I hasten to add! It's just that every little, dang thing seems difficult ... and, those things are more and more difficult to tolerate. DW says that all old people are impatient. Well, yeah - if everything we do takes longer and our actions are more subject to error, compounding the difficulties. If others toss interference, needs, even expectations into the swamp - we become impatient!

Anyway, I said goodbye and hastened off to see what happened to Dad, waking :).



Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
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I am 1/5 who don't sleep well. :hit THEREFORE, I can hardly remember Any of my dreams, much less remember any of them to write down.
@Rhodie Ranch , you must get LOTS of REM sleep.
Consider yourself lucky.
Someone here helped me through last year with my temporary sleep problem. They explained it was lack of serotonin and they were right ;)

When I eat a banana i sleep good

Gardening with Rabbits

Garden Master
Oct 24, 2012
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Northern Idaho - Zone 5B
I had a couple of dreams last night lol. DS and I were in the car and going down the road and I said I am thirsty, take me where the deer drink. LOL I have no idea why I would say something like that, but he turned the car around and we were going and he looked kind of mad and I said, but I cannot drink the water the deer drink. I should have asked for a bottle of water. LOL I am not sure what else happened. The other part was either the washer or dryer would kind of explode and all the clothes come out and make a hole in the fence and all the clothes go all over the neighbors yard. I acted like it was a normal thing and went to get the clothes and saw my cat Peeky was in the neighbors yard and I was calling her. Peeky had to be put to sleep a couple of years ago and I never really talk about her or think about her, so that was strange. My brain last night. LOL :hu:D


Garden Master
Dec 10, 2016
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East-central Wisconsin
No, I'm going with old people being grouchy and tending to be impolite, also ;). It's excusable in some ways -- I hasten to add! It's just that every little, dang thing seems difficult ... and, those things are more and more difficult to tolerate. DW says that all old people are impatient. Well, yeah - if everything we do takes longer and our actions are more subject to error, compounding the difficulties. If others toss interference, needs, even expectations into the swamp - we become impatient!
I think that as we get older, we tend to tire of subtlety, throw tact to the winds, and take the shortest path between two points. Dang the torpedoes! Full speed ahead! ;) Fortunately, I'm still able to (usually) override any impulse for brash incivility... especially when polite well-placed snark can serve as well.

This is a fascinating thread. I've had a lot of interesting dreams that I can remember over the years... some as vividly as if they really happened. When I was young(er) I had two different serial dreams, where I returned several times to a place I had dreamed of before. One of these was that I fell asleep leaning against a tree, and the tree grew roots into me, and began to communicate. It told me that its name was Thrash, it was the communal consciousness of the forest, and needed my help to fight the loggers which were killing it. (This probably due to all of the time I spent in my Grandfather's 280-acre forest as a child.) For me to help, Thrash gave me the power to control insects and small animals, to use as weapons. There were several battles, where among other things, I used birds & wasps to drive off the loggers. I think it would have made a good movie.

I've almost always had lucid dreams, where the dream setting was not under my control, but I could "steer" the direction it evolved from there to some point. Sometimes I could recognize the places, sometimes not. What I find odd is that the places or situations I do recognize are most often in the distant past. While I was in the Navy, I never dreamt about being on a ship; now, 30 years later, I dream of a ship, or of being at sea, fairly often. There may be something to what @flowerbug mentioned, about dreams being a form of mental housekeeping - cleaning out the cobwebs of memory.

Some common themes in my dreams... Often things abruptly change for no reason, such as following a road in a car, and suddenly finding myself riding a bike on a path instead. Or walking into a room, which is suddenly re-arranged. Putting something down (usually clothing) only to have it disappear. And of course, possessing something valuable, and trying vainly to hold onto it as I wake. Sometimes the occurrence of something impossible makes me recognize that I'm in a dream, at which point I often awake.

It is also odd how a dream can incorporate something happening in the real world, alter it, and add it to the dream. Several times when I was really tired, the alarm would go off... but in my dream, it was heard as a bell ringing or a machine operating. An annoyed DW had to shake me awake. :lol:

Because I've almost always had lucid dreams, I've seldom had nightmares. But once I died in my dreams 3 times in the same night! All were very vivid. Once in a car driving over a cliff, feeling the weightlessness of falling, and seeing street lights below... once hearing DW scream, just as a huge boulder crashed through our window... and once being in a standoff with an armed intruder, turning my head when I heard a scream, and finding myself on the ground with my ears ringing. Waking after the third dream with my heart pounding, I gave up, got up, and made coffee. That was 1980, and I still recall those dreams clearly.

I remember a lot of my dreams & could talk about them at length (in fact, think I already did :rolleyes:) but probably should try dreaming some new ones right now.
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