Ain't so Simple, these Days


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
I was in the bathroom this morning and cleaning up for the day. It occurred to me that there was a box of baking soda beside the sink for years before it was replaced. I used it to brush my teeth after my dentist told me that it was his preferred mouthwash. Yes, used it for that, too. But, I also used it as a deodorant. Admittedly, it wasn't real good for that purpose but ... I was always wearing a chambray work shirt through the day and was cleaned up again if'n I was goin' out for the night ;).

I've already said a number of time on TEG that we had an ice box and not a refrigerator and that the only plastic that was in our home when I became aware of the world was the bakelite plugs on the end of the electrical wires. (@Nyboy :rainbowflower told us that was how you can recognize an antique electrical appliance :).) If I had been born a few decades earlier - there wouldn't have been any electrical appliances - of course ;). But, things change - I mean, think of the 60-some years between the Wright Brothers and the Moon Landing! Think of how much plastic has invaded our existence ...!

I could mention a few other things like visiting the country home of a kid about my age and learning that the only water that came into the house arrived in the sink by way of a cast iron hand pump. Or, like my Grandmother's outhouse beside the barn/garden, in case you were caught short. Or, like my own ... well, enough of that :D.

"They are All Over the Place!!" What do you find new and somewhat startling in today's world? Maybe, unnecessary as well.

that the box of baking soda saved money but, as a percentage, it wouldn't amount to much savings these days and needn't go into budgeting ... ;)


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Do you think we're close to having enough cereal flavors?

I feel like we're getting close.

have you ever tried fire hot cheetoes with cream over them?

i also think that ice-cream has a lot of potential yet for about anything to be added to it. like the other day i was observing that a mediocre chocolate ice-cream could probably be zipped up with some hot sauces or such... tomato sauce on ice-cream? ... lasagna ...


Garden Addicted
May 21, 2020
Reaction score
I was in the bathroom this morning and cleaning up for the day. It occurred to me that there was a box of baking soda beside the sink for years before it was replaced. I used it to brush my teeth after my dentist told me that it was his preferred mouthwash. Yes, used it for that, too. But, I also used it as a deodorant. Admittedly, it wasn't real good for that purpose but ... I was always wearing a chambray work shirt through the day and was cleaned up again if'n I was goin' out for the night ;).
I've used bicarbonate soda for many many years as a deodorant and it's just perfect imo. My feet are always smothered in it and also it's in my shoes .
My bicarbonate is good for clearing your sinuses along with salt, those ingredients have pulled me through some really bad times

I never wash my clothes without it, along with my lavender geranium rose essential oils and organic liquid soap. Other detergents has caused me havoc no matter how mild they claimed too be
I've already said a number of time on TEG that we had an ice box and not a refrigerator and that the only plastic that was in our home when I became aware of the world was the bakelite plugs on the end of the electrical wires. (@Nyboy:rainbowflowertold us that was how you can recognize an antique electrical appliance :).) If I had been born a few decades earlier - there wouldn't have been any electrical appliances - of course ;). But, things change - I mean, think of the 60-some years between the Wright Brothers and the Moon Landing! Think of how much plastic has invaded our existence ...!
Plastic is everywhere you look :( it's really helping too destroy our natural habitats.
I could mention a few other things like visiting the country home of a kid about my age and learning that the only water that came into the house arrived in the sink by way of a cast iron hand pump. Or, like my Grandmother's outhouse beside the barn/garden, in case you were caught short. Or, like my own ... well, enough of that :D.

"They are All Over the Place!!" What do you find new and somewhat startling in today's world? Maybe, unnecessary as well.

that the box of baking soda saved money but, as a percentage, it wouldn't amount to much savings these days and needn't go into budgeting ... ;)


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Here is a question:

What are the secrets for making use of these new, stand-up bags?

Breakfast cereal, dried fruit etc. I think that one secrets may be to have a good supply of large paper clips handy. These things sure aren't as foolproof as zip-lock!

and his assistant


Branching Out

Deeply Rooted
Dec 2, 2022
Reaction score
Southwestern B.C.
The plastic bags that stand up could perhaps double as a little cold frame for a tender seedling, and the waxy cereal bags are sure handy when you need to pound a chicken breast for Chicken Parmesan-- yum.

And last spring I had lettuce growing in my little polytunnel in what I thought were recycled plastic containers, and they kind of melted and warped when the warm weather arrived. I think that while they looked like plastic, they were in fact made from cornstarch. That was a shocker.

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