cleaning my greenhouse


Garden Master
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
Howdy Mayaam,
We used to use bleach mixed 9 parts water to 1 part bleach, and scrubby dub dub floor cleaning type brushes. We removed all the plants from the greenhouse and scrubbed away at it rapidly on a nice day when the tender plants would be safe outside in the sun. Up in Montana it was usually around the first of March on a sunshiney day good enough for them to be outside.

It got a strongish bleach smell in there, and all fans were on. Then we'd hose it all down, dry the shelves and bring the plants in before it got too cold. Down south Mayaam, you probably don't have to worry so much to be in a big rush. Please wear your old clothes, and if your skin is tender wear those yellow plastic gloves.

Do not mix any soap with the bleach/water. Suds are not needed. Mostly the cleaning is to rid the green growth and invisible harmful germs and fungus such as damping off fungus.