

Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Lower Hudson Valley, New York
@Pulsegleaner ,

Be careful.

Those of us with small pleasures may impose upon you several mentions of tea brands that render you nearly unable to make any kind of response and just short of incapable of comprehension.
It probably wouldn't change anything, since 1. I am ALREADY almost unable to comprehend anything and 2. My level of guilt and self hatred means I resent and punish what pleasures I indulge in at the same time I am compelled to do them. It's a double edged blade, if I resist temptation, I am consumed with longing and drive myself crazy, and if I accept it I am consumed with guilt and self hatred so much I can't enjoy it.

But on tea, I'm doing okay. I've managed to hold off plunking down the $555 my next planned order from Tea Habitat would cost me for a few months now. Hopefully, by the time I give in some of it will have gone to other people and be beyond my reach. Though, in a certain sense, the 2021 sampler would not be a TERRIBLE waste of money (yes, it's $300 of the total, but that would give me 31 different teas, and so 31 weeks of use, so that's actually a bit less than $10 a session, which, compared to how much they normally cost me, is actually pretty low.)

Correction, it's actually 21 teas and $330, but that's still a lot lower than when I dump a whole $75 package into the bowl.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Good Morning.

It's 4°. That's 16°C. The Weather Service has promised a sunnier day but it wasn't so bad for some hazy sunshine, yesterday. I walked the Indoor Mile but was out and about some in the pickup. That is such a cold blooded vehicle, someone must have swapped out the thermostat at some point. I have tried to figure out how to place a piece of cardboard in front of the radiator to no avail. So strange to have the radiator sandwiched in so tight against the grill. I once had a European car from the '50's that had a built-in curtain that could be adjusted to cover the radiator :).

Breakfast finished, second breakfast planned ... Gonna be Cream of Rice. Raisins are good in that ... probably cream cheese and honey. Wonder if we have some canned peaches on a kitchen shelf.



Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Lower Hudson Valley, New York
I cannot fathom tea that is so costly. I have more plebeian tastes.

Coffee is ready! Folgers, the coffee purists can snub my offerings. :lol: Pumpkin pie for breakfast!
Well, I can't fathom people paying extra for coffee that has passed through a civet's digestive system, or spending hundreds of dollars on a bottle of old fermented grape juice or essence of fermented grain. As the saying goes "We each go to Hell in our own ways."


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
Coffee here is ALWAYS ready at 6AM bc the timer is set for 5:45AM.
I think you should drink what makes you HAPPY. Friend used to love Sanka crystals as...mmmm...."coffee?"
DH often has meatloaf at a local bar/restaurant 1x/week.
The barmaid can't tell that the tea has gone off, but WE can. We have gallons of tea in our fridge at all times.
DH drinks de caf, I drink black pekoe/Constant Comment ice tea.
We make sure that it gets refridgerated quickly, and we NEVER leave the pitchers out.
The Bar does leave the pitchers out until they are empty, and that can mean HOOOOUUUURRRRSSS.
Taste is really important.
I pay for beans to be shipped. I guess I could buy better coffee beans to grind, but I can enjoy 8 o'clock Dark Italian Roast. Local grocery stores have stopped carrying the beans.
I also like when I bang the ground coffee out of my grinder, which has a removable insert separate from the machinery.
I know when it is empty bc it rings like a bell.
Funny, mine is a hand-me-down grinder. Youngest DD didn't recognize flirting when a fellow (male) law student gave this to her about a decade ago, then she graduated and gave it to ME. Still works great!
My old grinder is used for grinding spices and dehydrated hot peppers, etc., so they are worth keeping, too.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
Second breakfast and I'm reading the comics :).

I didn't know about this guy, Tad Dorgan:

Dorgan is generally credited with either creating or popularizing such words and expressions as "dumbbell" (a stupid person); "for crying out loud" (an exclamation of astonishment); "cat's meow" and "cat's pajamas" (as superlatives); "applesauce" (nonsense); "cheaters" (eyeglasses); "skimmer" (a hat); "hard-boiled" (tough and unsentimental); "drugstore cowboy" (loafers or ladies' men); "nickel-nurser" (a miser); "as busy as a one-armed paperhanger" (overworked); and "Yes, we have no bananas," which was turned into a popular song. from Wikipedia

Giving Tad the "once over."


Garden Master
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Lower Hudson Valley, New York
The barmaid can't tell that the tea has gone off, but WE can. We have gallons of tea in our fridge at all times.
DH drinks de caf, I drink black pekoe/Constant Comment ice tea.
We make sure that it gets refridgerated quickly, and we NEVER leave the pitchers out.
The Bar does leave the pitchers out until they are empty, and that can mean HOOOOUUUURRRRSSS.
A lot of places do that, as well as not remembering 1. if you want to make tea stronger you have to add more of it, you can't just leave the tea in longer. and 2. (extension of 1) you can't leave the tea bags in the water indefinitely. Mess it up and you DO get tea that has a nasty taste (I think it tastes sort of like black olives, but that's just me.).

I actually used to set a stopwatch for my Gong Fu sessions, to make sure I could get the leaves out of the water within 2-3 minutes of them going in (with fine tea, you can get multiple infusions off of the same leaves, and the flavor will evolve as they soak up water, but you can't let them SIT in liquid in between.)