

Garden Addicted
Jun 5, 2014
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Vancouver Island B.C. Canada
The mill where my dh worked for over 30 years is working overtime to make the pulp that is used to make the protective masks and gowns used in this panidemic, the only one as far as I know. A lot of it has and still is being sent state side kudos to HARMAC PACIFIC. We may agree to disagree on politics but come to think of it don't we do the same in gardening? Boy could I tell you some stories....



valley ranch

Garden Master
Dec 22, 2014
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Sierra Nevada mountains, and Nevada high desert
We should not be silenced ~ no one is forced to read this thread or any other ~ there are those who would love it if we were forced to say nothing even legislate in the area of thought, true we shouldn't do so on every thread. there are times when there is a need, too often only one side is heard which is as they like and want.

I've no problem with anyone having a different opinion nor should anyone and I do want to hear what people think, so I can know who they are, I mind not at all others knowing who I am ```

Have a good day ```


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
Covid is back at sickening thousands daily, many are not making it. We have had friends with it, a dear friend that is like a daughter to us is in the hospital now, she has kidney disease and is high risk. She is doing better and may get to go home soon.

Our daughter is a college professor, son in law is an assistant principle, 13 year old grand daughter in 8th grade, the whole 9th grade got sent home because of Covid cases, 5 year old is in kindergarden, 4 year old in day care, they are ALL exposed daily to the risk of Covid. They are in Odessa, Texas, surrounded by hot spots and shut downs. It is just a matter of time before Odessa shuts down too. We are very worried about them.

Our county is exploding with Covid cases, as are surrounding counties. We have a friend that is a nurse, working the Covid floor(s). This stuff is bad. The medications have at least gotten better, rapid response and treatment gets better results than the previous "go home, if you get worse, come back" of last year.

So....... how's it going for everyone? Hope all are well and suffer no sickness.

Thanksgiving? What are your plans? We were planning on gathering at my sister's house in Conroe, now not so sure. Her husband died this year, she has been in a funk and looking forward to Thanksgiving. She has COPD, polymyocitus and other conditions that make her high risk. Our daughter is afraid to go, with all their exposure, she doesn't want to take Covid to her favorite relative. She is thinking that Christmas might be better, they can all get tested and have time to get the results. Maybe.

It's all up in the air, hard to make plans. We want to get together to solidify family ties, visit and enjoy each other, buuuut........ It is scary, sure don't want to sicken our host and worse, she succumb to Covid and die. Yes, this is real and the reality is not pleasant.


Garden Addicted
Jun 30, 2017
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Rotterdam, Holland
In my country the cases are dropping, 2 weeks ago we had over 10.000 new cases a day, now it's down to 5650 a day although there was an increase the last 2 days.
My 7 year old son's teacher was tested positive for corona last Saturday, school stayed open and he got (retired) substitute teachers. Which to me is a bit wrong and silly. So far however no one else tested positive on the school.

My work went on as usual in the office despite high numbers of new cases and a call from the government to work from home if possible. 2 weeks ago they finally caved and let everybody choose if they wanted to work from home, which I immediately did and still do. This is just one of the reasons why I'm looking for other employment.
It seems that many of my coworkers are still at the office, making me feeling estranged.
I was already offered a project which made me considering being self employed, although I would really miss having coworkers.

Rhodie Ranch

Garden Master
Nov 19, 2009
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Southern Washington State, 8b
Staying here for Thanksgiving. The DD and family may come down from Vancouver, but knowing her for 34 years, prob not.

My family is desperate for use to go to San Jose for Xmas. Mother turned 90 this week, and the Calif gov says if you go out of state for any reason, you must isolate for 14 days. We would be coming into the state. Would they turn us away at the inspection station? Do I risk Mother's and her boyfriend's (89.5) health just cus my sis is begging me to come down to take the "mother" pressure off of her? I don't know,,,,,I just don't know....


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
Staying here for Thanksgiving. The DD and family may come down from Vancouver, but knowing her for 34 years, prob not.

My family is desperate for use to go to San Jose for Xmas. Mother turned 90 this week, and the Calif gov says if you go out of state for any reason, you must isolate for 14 days. We would be coming into the state. Would they turn us away at the inspection station? Do I risk Mother's and her boyfriend's (89.5) health just cus my sis is begging me to come down to take the "mother" pressure off of her? I don't know,,,,,I just don't know....

if you don't do much "out and about" stuff between now and then perhaps it will calm down some - at least i sure hope it does... i'm really fine not seeing anyone for the next six months.


Garden Master
Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
the only place we go it to Lowes or to Costco for gas. I go to the grocery store once a week.

i would try to figure out how to go only once every other week for a while. cut your exposure/risk in half. then if you time it right you would also be in full quarantine the two weeks before the trip.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
how's it going for everyone? Hope all are well and suffer no sickness.

The family is doing OK as far as Covid goes. Found out yesterday that a lady that takes outstanding care of Mom at a nursing home just lost her 35 year old son to Covid. That lady is so good at taking car of Mom and others, I hurt for her. There are other stories like that, people we know that are affected. Most not what I'd call close friends but people we care for. And a few we do know well.

Thanksgiving? What are your plans?

Still working out the details. No travel involved and a lot depends on weather. If weather is good we'll be outside at our son's with family, including daughter-in-laws family. Either one or three people on her side. Bad weather and probably at our place, we can handle inside better. If he can get away one son will drive down from Baton Rouge. He's a manager at a movie theater and will probably have to work. He is glad to be back at work. So between 7 and 10 people, either here or there.

Compared to other states Louisiana is in the best five in most of the numbers, but cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are still climbing, just not as bad as most of the rest of the country.

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