Garden Master
I just happened onto this. I suppose that you had better know before you click the link on their webpage that it is 78 pages with color photos so takes awhile to download. This link just goes to the webpage that gives you the table of contents and why they put it together .
United States Botanical Gardens, Greenhouse Manual: LINK
Imagine that you teach science at the elementary school level. The school board wants to have a greenhouse at your school! But, you have never managed a greenhouse. You don't even know what greenhouse and supplies to recommend they buy. Here you go from the Botanical Gardens. It should be useful for anyone thinking about one for the backyard.
Me? I'm going back and forth from the greenhouse this morning, putting tomato plants in the basin to soak up some water! It is so danged windy out that I'm not willing to bring those tall plants out to water with the hose. So, I'm back to treating the poor dears like seedlings.
United States Botanical Gardens, Greenhouse Manual: LINK
Imagine that you teach science at the elementary school level. The school board wants to have a greenhouse at your school! But, you have never managed a greenhouse. You don't even know what greenhouse and supplies to recommend they buy. Here you go from the Botanical Gardens. It should be useful for anyone thinking about one for the backyard.
Me? I'm going back and forth from the greenhouse this morning, putting tomato plants in the basin to soak up some water! It is so danged windy out that I'm not willing to bring those tall plants out to water with the hose. So, I'm back to treating the poor dears like seedlings.