Labeling laws repealed


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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House voted to repeal the “country of origin” label on food.

Please email your senators to tell them NOT to vote yes on this. I emailed both senators and my rep, telling them that I will do all in my power to get them thrown out of office IF they vote (d) yes. I consider them traitors for voting to repeal this as other countries have no safety laws in effect. Plus most use slave labor to produce their products.

I am livid over this! & I am not sorry about this rant.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
Seed, are you talking about H.R. 2393: Country of Origin Labeling Amendments Act of 2015, passed in 2015 under President Trump? I could not find anything newer. Do you have a link to something more current?

H.R. 2393 would repeal existing requirements for retailers of beef, pork, and chicken to inform customers at the final point of sale of the country of origin of those products. The repeal would not affect existing requirements for country-of-origin labeling for lamb, venison, goat meat, perishable agricultural commodities, peanuts, farm-raised and wild fish, ginseng, pecans, and macadamia nuts.

If your Representative is still in office this link will tell you how they voted.

I did find where a few Democrats tried to revise the labeling rules in 2019 but I could not find where that attempt went anywhere.



Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Seed, are you talking about H.R. 2393: Country of Origin Labeling Amendments Act of 2015, passed in 2015 under President Trump? I could not find anything newer. Do you have a link to something more current?

H.R. 2393 would repeal existing requirements for retailers of beef, pork, and chicken to inform customers at the final point of sale of the country of origin of those products. The repeal would not affect existing requirements for country-of-origin labeling for lamb, venison, goat meat, perishable agricultural commodities, peanuts, farm-raised and wild fish, ginseng, pecans, and macadamia nuts.

If your Representative is still in office this link will tell you how they voted.

I did find where a few Democrats tried to revise the labeling rules in 2019 but I could not find where that attempt went anywhere.

You are corr3ct. What I get for listening to a friend without double checking dates...... still livid and NONE of my reps have had the honesty to respond. In 2015 wasn’t Obama President?


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
Yeah, you are right, it was Obama. That's what I get for relying on MY memory without checking. I'm not using this as an excuse because I was plain wrong but I find it interesting that 234 Republicans and 66 Democrats in the House voted for it with 10 Republicans and 121 Democrats against.

I did not check that for the dates, I wanted to know what was behind it. I was deep into that before I finally noticed 2015. The way I understand it the meat packers near the border (mainly Canadian border but some with Mexico) do not want to label meat they buy from across the border. It costs them extra and creates a logistic problem keeping those herds separated so they can keep the labels straight. The meat producers on the American side want the labeling because it gives them a competitive advantage. This has nothing to do with China or South America which surprised me.


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
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border, ID/WA(!)
It is complicated and I know little. The World Trade Organization is involved.

Importers successfully had WTO agreement that it amounted to a restriction on free trade treaties, signed previously by the US. It was a choice between a rule that was compliant with those previous treaties or withdrawal from the WTO.

"H.R... 2015" refers to "House Resolution" and both the US House and Senate were controlled by Republicans 2011 to 2021. Parties were divided.



Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, you are right, it was Obama. That's what I get for relying on MY memory without checking. I'm not using this as an excuse because I was plain wrong but I find it interesting that 234 Republicans and 66 Democrats in the House voted for it with 10 Republicans and 121 Democrats against.

I did not check that for the dates, I wanted to know what was behind it. I was deep into that before I finally noticed 2015. The way I understand it the meat packers near the border (mainly Canadian border but some with Mexico) do not want to label meat they buy from across the border. It costs them extra and creates a logistic problem keeping those herds separated so they can keep the labels straight. The meat producers on the American side want the labeling because it gives them a competitive advantage. This has nothing to do with China or South America which surprised me.
Correct. Problem I have, Canada pays subsidies to meat producers allowing them to ship hogs here for less than we can produce them-while they make a profit. Mexico does it with slave labor and using products illegal in USA. Because they are processed here, they are USA meat.


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2011
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Trinity County Texas
I’m so glad I raise my own. It costs more, but by selling some, it pays for ours. I usually raise 2 pigs, one for us and 1 for a customer. This year I am raising 3, one for us, 1 for customer and 2 more people want a half. Next year the people wanting a half May want a whole hog. And a lady that buys chicken from us wants a half hog next year. I charge $5 per pound, hanging weight. So I may be raising 5 next year. 6 is the limit on how many I’ll raise.

2 people each want half a beef, grain finished. I have a steer located and will grain feed him plus all the hay he wants for a few months. Price $8 per pound hanging weight.

I raise meat chickens on fermented feed, move their chicken tractor daily. Chicken is $6 per pound, cut to customer specifications, vacuum sealed. This year we sold 45 chickens, 28 went in ours and daughters freezers.

Last winter I raised a steer, split between us and daughter. We split cost, it came in at $3 per pound, hanging weight.

We did not sell any lamb last year, nor will we this year, because setting slaughter dates are a year or more in advance. We just took lambs to auction after weaning.

Our custom meat raising operation is small and we like it that way. Basically we eat for free and have money left over. We supply chicken and pork to our daughters family.

I know how the meat we eat was raised and what it ate. Customers are welcomed to the farm to come see “their” animal, see our operation, and get the whole farm tour.


Garden Addicted
Jan 14, 2019
Reaction score
Birmingham AL (Zone 8a)
I’m so glad I raise my own. It costs more, but by selling some, it pays for ours. I usually raise 2 pigs, one for us and 1 for a customer. This year I am raising 3, one for us, 1 for customer and 2 more people want a half. Next year the people wanting a half May want a whole hog. And a lady that buys chicken from us wants a half hog next year. I charge $5 per pound, hanging weight. So I may be raising 5 next year. 6 is the limit on how many I’ll raise.

2 people each want half a beef, grain finished. I have a steer located and will grain feed him plus all the hay he wants for a few months. Price $8 per pound hanging weight.

I raise meat chickens on fermented feed, move their chicken tractor daily. Chicken is $6 per pound, cut to customer specifications, vacuum sealed. This year we sold 45 chickens, 28 went in ours and daughters freezers.

Last winter I raised a steer, split between us and daughter. We split cost, it came in at $3 per pound, hanging weight.

We did not sell any lamb last year, nor will we this year, because setting slaughter dates are a year or more in advance. We just took lambs to auction after weaning.

Our custom meat raising operation is small and we like it that way. Basically we eat for free and have money left over. We supply chicken and pork to our daughters family.

I know how the meat we eat was raised and what it ate. Customers are welcomed to the farm to come see “their” animal, see our operation, and get the whole farm tour.
How much land does it take for those animals?

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