Monsanto - the planet killer is at it again.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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Packaging and unused seed must be stored and disposed of as a toxic substance.
Looked to see who you quoted for this. It is not true. Unused seed is disposed of in fields/land fills depending upon who is doing it--if it goes out of germination.

Hybrid seed can be planted and treated the same as open pollinated, it's just hybrid seed will give a more uniform ear and handle many more diseases/stresses.

In the article, it stated M gave them conventional corn not GMO, altho I'd have no problem w/that.

Your own President's Cancer Panel has come out with warnings & advice re pesticides on food the US.
That is not what M did. There are no pesiticides given by M that will be in the end product. The 1/2 life of these extremely small amount is about 4 weeks. If the whole article is read by the panel, they are referring to vegetables imported from slave labor countries where pesticides are not regulated/in some cases banned as they are in USA.

Most dangerous chemical on seed is a derivative of tobacco, which many organic farmers use.


Garden Master
Jun 21, 2008
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large seed & chemical companies whose only concern is making BIG MONEY !!
Hattie, you do realize companies are made up of people, common people. Yes, they have to make money just as an individual does--whether he owns his own business or works for someone else. I've met many people who are in the industry, most are extremely good people doing their best to safely feed the world. Are there some that are not good people, YES. But I hope we could agree that there are "environmentalist" that are good but some of them are not. Do you put down environmentalists because some are pure trash? That write articles so that they get a paycheck--only printing the facts that are what their audience wants to read and burying the other facts--which show their premise is false?


Deeply Rooted
Dec 1, 2007
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Massachusetts, zone 7a
seedcorn said:
Hattie, you do realize companies are made up of people, common people. Yes, they have to make money just as an individual does--whether he owns his own business or works for someone else. I've met many people who are in the industry, most are extremely good people doing their best to safely feed the world. Are there some that are not good people, YES. But I hope we could agree that there are "environmentalist" that are good but some of them are not. Do you put down environmentalists because some are pure trash? That write articles so that they get a paycheck--only printing the facts that are what their audience wants to read and burying the other facts--which show their premise is false?
I recall saying this once before: It is very much up to YOU, the "good" ag scientist, to shout the bad ones down, point them up, shame them for their lousy actions. Even so, expect to be tarred with the same brush to some extent, but it is still YOUR job (as in, not the media's or environmentalists' or regular folks' jobs) to police their behavior. Yeah, I know, you have enough to do already, but them's the breaks when you work for Big Evil. You should know by now that the educational systems are such that NO lay person can tell the difference between good science and bad science and therefore must rely on proxies like where it's coming from, qualifications and past history, and yes, the charisma of the person talking about it counts a good bit too. If YOU don't shame your colleagues when they are being jerks, then expect both him and you to get shut down by the same regulations. Life is not fair.

And I say that as a minion of Big Pharma. Some of my colleagues are jerks and screw-ups. Any big organization can tolerate a significant amount of cronyism, uselessness and active sociopathy because the hard work of competent kind-hearted folks (hey, you and me!) is enough to pay the salaries of more than a few people. It should make you righteously angry that those jerks and screw-ups are messing up the business for everyone and hurting customers--why doesn't it?


Garden Addicted
Sep 22, 2009
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MN. Zone 4/5
seedcorn said:
Packaging and unused seed must be stored and disposed of as a toxic substance.
Looked to see who you quoted for this. It is not true. Unused seed is disposed of in fields/land fills depending upon who is doing it--if it goes out of germination.
I guess I was relying on the fact that Thiram = Thiomidodicarbonic diamide is listed by the EPA - Hazardous waste #P049.
"P" is listed Hazardous waste - Acutely Toxic waste.
Small amounts are not regulated (less then 2.2 pounds).
Container disposal is listed as part of the waste material for "P" hazards.
Hazardous Household Waste is not regulated either, however it is environmentally beneficial to dispose of ALL hazardous items in the best possible manner.
Toxic waste should go to a Class 1 Landfill - can accept hazardous waste.

Thiram treated seed is not recommended for wildlife plantings or composting.
Although I am not a farmer, nor an expert ... I would not dump it in a field ...
Abuse of chemical dumping as such leads to over exposure of chemicals, resistant strains, hazards to environment and wildlife... and the need to develop more chemicals ... :rolleyes:


What is this made of anyway ... anybody know? :/

Most dangerous chemical on seed is a derivative of tobacco, which many organic farmers use.
ALL chemicals are hazardous, even natural ones ... if it kills one thing, it most likely will harm another.
That's why they must to be regulated, used only when absolutely necessary, and extreme measures taken not to harm.
I'm sure M has taken the responsibility of the hazards of their products seriously, and will be helping the farmers in Haiti ...
probably not their responsibility though... huh? ...:/

M dreams will not feed the world ... the US will not feed the world ... they will just continue to make things worse, doing more of the same ...
You can't solve poverty feeding people rice... :(


Deeply Rooted
Aug 27, 2009
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I always like to connect the dots and sometimes that is not easy.
From Lavender2s article. This is a good article:


The best-seller comes from Riceland Foods in Stuttgart, Arkansas, which sold six pounds for $3.80 last month, according to Haiti's National Food Security Coordination Unit. The same amount of Haitian rice cost $5.12.
"National rice isn't the same, it's better quality. It tastes better. But it's too expensive for people to buy," said Leonne Fedelone, a 50-year-old vendor

This is what I have been trying to explain in another post. I cannot find homegrown apple juice in my markets. It seems that my juice choices come from China of South America. I know we grow apples here. Of course I have NOT tried the high-end boutiques yet. :) Better to give my money to the locals and farmers markets.

Next subject in the article:

Cheap foreign products drove farmers off their land and into overcrowded cities. Rice, a grain with limited nutrition once reserved for special occasions in the Haitian diet, is now a staple.

Now substitute the word corn for rice and Mexico for Haiti. Here is the history of a major cause of poverty and the need to immigrate to other countries where in my opinion, once more people are abused for their foreignness.

Last but not least:

"Haiti doesn't have the land nor the climate ... to produce enough rice," said Bill Reed, Riceland's vice president of communications. "The productivity of U.S. farmers helps feed countries which cannot feed themselves."

First of all this dufuss is making a buck and is trying to be obtuse of the ways diversity works. People all over the world grow locally what they have learned over the millennia what does best for them. When war or colonization takes over.the conquer takes and usually leaves the people with nothing. The earth is scoured and if the colonizer stayshe brings his own food choices with him. HELLO! These crops do not do well in a different climate /area and are usually adverse to what people have evolved to. This is the true cause of poverty and of want.

We are becoming them. By degrees, we are being turned into a third world country. Farmers are unable to sell to their domestic markets. Farmers now have to sell to mega corporations who send it overseas for the cheap production and labor. They then turn the product around, and sell it back to the USA at a cheaper price. Tell me again how that is good for us. The unseen side effects of all these practices are the depression of our own wages. If we brought back manufacturing to this country and grew more of our own food, we could afford our food and it would bring food security back to this county.
Sorry for the long rant.


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
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Fuquay, NC
It is quite simple we are feeding the poor, but for a profit one day... in the end we drive them into our country for salvation. Then we complain we don't want them here though we flexed our muscles in their general direction and got their attention. Most of it is from how much we 'donate' and what we send to SAVE these countries.

"...teach a man to fish..."


Garden Master
Nov 10, 2008
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Ladyhawke, I must admit I am shocked! I really didn't think any action would come of this. I figured they would use the seed...that is too cool. I really do feel the winds of change here. I think people are really starting to see the light. Keep on Gardening!!!


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
Hooray! Just like a said, make a political statement... instead of fighting, arguing and talking yourself in circles with a government and a company just do the best thing you can do with the situation...

Like I said my mom told me earlier...

Just say "Thank you!", take the 'gift', go home and throw it in the trash!

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