Of Little Interest to the Guys Here

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
No to skinny dipping. I was such a goody-two shoes growing up that I made myself sick.
Except for a couple of times Mom had my hair cut (once was for lice) and permed, I had long hair. I always felt that long hair was easier to work with and less time consuming than short stuff, and with my straight strings, curlers were a nightly penance. Braids or pony tails and hair wrapped around my head were always favorites with me.

About 12 years ago, my son's child died suddenly in his sleep. On the day of his funeral, I stepped into a hair salon and asked that my hair be cut short. Of course, those were the last legible words I spoke to the beautician that day. Never-the-less, I attended the funeral with a boy cut and have kept my hair relatively short ever since.

Usually waiting until I can't stand the grown-out mess and resorting to tiny ponytails or barrettes to keep it out of my face and off my neck before getting it cut and (now) permed again. As my avatar shows, I did let it grow out to its natural color, but decided later that I needed some color. I chose a much lighter version of my very dark brown natural color because it seems more appropriate to my age. I felt that the 'natural' I used to have was, like Nyboy's brother, far too dark to look real.

I seldom wore make-up when teaching and continued to go bare-faced once I retired. I do wear light make-up for special occasions (can't think of one right now) but I usually end up purchasing all new make-up each time since the stuff is almost always out of date by the second use. It seems I took all of my time taking care of others that I just gave up taking care of myself. I yam what I yam!

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
No to skinny dipping. I was such a goody-two shoes growing up that I made myself sick.
Except for a couple of times Mom had my hair cut (once was for lice) and permed, I had long hair. I always felt that long hair was easier to work with and less time consuming than short stuff, and with my straight strings, curlers were a nightly penance. Braids or pony tails and hair wrapped around my head were always favorites with me.

About 12 years ago, my son's child died suddenly in his sleep. On the day of his funeral, I stepped into a hair salon and asked that my hair be cut short. Of course, those were the last legible words I spoke to the beautician that day. Never-the-less, I attended the funeral with a boy cut and have kept my hair relatively short ever since.

Usually waiting until I can't stand the grown-out mess and resorting to tiny ponytails or barrettes to keep it out of my face and off my neck before getting it cut and (now) permed again. As my avatar shows, I did let it grow out to its natural color, but decided later that I needed some color. I chose a much lighter version of my very dark brown natural color because it seems more appropriate to my age. I felt that the 'natural' I used to have was, like Nyboy's brother, far too dark to look real.

I seldom wore make-up when teaching and continued to go bare-faced once I retired. I do wear light make-up for special occasions (can't think of one right now) but I usually end up purchasing all new make-up each time since the stuff is almost always out of date by the second use. It seems I took all of my time taking care of others that I just gave up taking care of myself. I yam what I yam!
LOL, you mentioned once we might be long lost sisters or something! YEP. No skinny dipping for me. Even my Mother called me the family Prude. LOL
The hair is no fuss and seldom if ever wear makeup these days. So I am what I yam also!


Garden Addicted
Apr 19, 2011
Reaction score
Fairfield, ME zone 3/4
I don't wear make-up or color my mixed brown and gray hair.

My hair is unruly and has a mind of it's own. After wearing it long for many years, I tried some short styles, - now I go back and forth.

Right after my hair is cut, I think, wow, this is great! After a while, I say "what was I thinking?" and start growing it out (using clips and Barrett's described by smart red).

It never gets past my shoulders. I rejoice in being able to wear a ponytail, and after a while I say "what was I thinking?" and make an appointment for another cut.....

Smart Red

Garden Master
Jan 10, 2012
Reaction score
South-est, central-est Wisconsin
:lol: "The family prude". :lol: That doesn't sound like the good thing it should be, does it?

Bet 'cha never stopped by Church after school to practice kneeling 'cuz it was hard to do during church services. Nope, I've never wished to be young again for fear I'd make all the same mistakes and for fear that I wouldn't.
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so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
Wow Red, for your mom to call you a prude.......that's almost unbelievable! You must have been pure gold.
I think a lot of people behave well because they are afraid of the consequences. (Morals not an issue, lol) Working with kids with behavioral issues, I saw some pretty fearless kids. One mom still spanked her teenagers, even as old as 17. When I confronted the 15 year old about getting a beating if she got caught smoking again, she said "It don't hurt that long after she stops."

I think when I was a kid, my biggest deterrent was getting "the talk" from my parents. You know the talk, how disappointed they are in me, how they know I knew better, was taught better, should be a shining example for kids younger than me, blah blah blah. I truly didn't want to disappoint my parents, but lots of times the devil made me do it.:oops:

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Wow Red, for your mom to call you a prude.......that's almost unbelievable! You must have been pure gold.

I think when I was a kid, my biggest deterrent was getting "the talk" from my parents. You know the talk, how disappointed they are in me, how they know I knew better, was taught better, should be a shining example for kids younger than me, blah blah blah. I truly didn't want to disappoint my parents, but lots of times the devil made me do it.:oops:
No No that was ME not Red. LOL
Oh yes I feared the TALK.


Garden Master
May 15, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, WV
We never got a talk...too many kids to spend time talking about it. :D Back in the good ol' days you were allowed to spank your kids, but my folks never called it spanking...we got switchings or the belt. If it were warm out, Dad would then make us wear shorts to school so the other kids could see the welts. Double punishment! :gig

I was not the family prude, I'm much ashamed to say. :hide Deserved every whippin' I got.

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