Tree Trim and HELP!!


Garden Master
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
East Central IL, Was Zone 6, Now...maybe Zone 5
DD's are awaiting the tree people to take down the tree in their backyard. They have identified it as a "Dying Pin Oak." So, we were all right when we thought it was on it's last legs. I have seen them at work, they took down one tree for me and another in the front for my DD's. In order to get in to the corner of their back yard, and avoid getting electrocuted by their power line, the tree people will need to drive their truck in and Over a small and old picket fence, which has several valuable plants. Part of the plan is to dissemble the picket fence.
Nobody minds the fence being gone, but I wonder how to protect the clematis, and the roses. Should we put down cardboard and then plywood?
It's really too late in the season to dig them up and replant them.
ANY SUGGESTIONS would be welcome. :)
P. S. I Promise to take pictures. :cool: