You guys are a bad influence


Garden Master
Mar 20, 2009
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Southeast Louisiana Zone 9A
marshallsmyth said:
If I ever raised bunnies or chickens I sure would not eat them.
It's all in your attitude. I raise my chickens for meat. The eggs are just a mighty nice side benefit. I give most of those away anyway. Four dozen will go to a local food bank later today.

If I didn't raise them for meat, they would never hatch and live. I try to treat them with respect. They are not shoehorned into tiny cramped spaces. They get to chase and scratch for all kinds of flying, crawling, hopping, running creepy crawlies. They live in a mixed flock that gets to interact with each other like chickens are supposed to.

When the end comes, it is swift and sure. They don't suffer. I use every part I can in the kitchen, the dogs get a bit to eat, and the rest goes to feed my trees. I have some rooster feathers drying right now for a young lady that wants to try making jewelry out of them.

I'm confident that those on this thread that raise rabbits for meat also treat them with respect and are not brutal to them.

It's a personal choice. I don't raise my chickens as pets. Their ultimate purpose is for meat. Some get to lay eggs and hatch and raise chicks along the way. I enjoy hatching the chicks to see what colors and patterns I get and watch the down change into the adult feathers. Some of what happens is fascinating. I'm working toward a certain chicken in color, pattern, eggs,and size I want. I can watch a broody hen taking care of her chicks for a long time. I like to see them interact in the flock. I enjoy having my chickens around, but I never forget their ultimate purpose is food for my table.

I know you're stating your personal opinion, which I respect, and I know you are not trying to put a guilt trip on those of us that use our animals for meat. You're much too nice to do something like that. I never enjoy the killing part, even when it's a mean rooster that attacks people, but I don't feel guilty either. They get to live a good life and they don't suffer.


Attractive To Bees
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Amarillo, TX
Even though I'm a ranch kid, it took a long time to get comfortable eating something that I'd taken care of. However, after the infamous Thistle the longhorn cow episode, I gained a new perspective.

Thistle, named for her delightful personality :rolleyes: , insisted on jumping any fence she found. Eventually, my BIL & I got tired of chasing her all over the Panhandle, so she went to become hamburger...973 lbs to be exact! First attempt at cooking something I knew was a little nerve wracking. Decided to make meatloaf. Hamburger wasn't quite thawed. Pingpong size piece jumped out of the bowl and had to be chased around the kitchen. Meatloaf was delish and I haven't had any qualms since!

The only conditions I put on it now is, I raised it and I'll cook it, but I WON'T kill it or clean it. (Ok, in an emergency, I would, but don't tell my hubby!)

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