Recent content by Ethan

  1. E

    Spring in budding in my yard (pics)

    Looking awesome, roosters and hens makes him more delightful.
  2. E

    Beautiful snow

    LOL, what you can do with snow, planting a tree? ;)
  3. E

    Dahlia tubers for sale

    Is there any Dahlia tubers left, I'm interested to buy for my mother, also send you an Email later?
  4. E

    Indestructible plants

    I have a volunteer plant in my front yard, which a bird must have left me. I have weed whacked it, pulled it up to try and transplant it (that just got me two vines), it survived our unusually long and cold rainy season, the various hailstorms we've had over the past year, a thick coat of...
  5. E

    Pheasant problem!!!

    hehehe :lol:, you missed a great program, but you shall also be cached him over youtube.
  6. E

    Fashion in the garden

    Thanks a lot for your opinion buddies, but according to me, beautiful fences makes your garden more attractive and delightful.
  7. E

    Soil testing

    I came across almost all the post in that thread, now if it's not healthy, by all means start with a soil test. Or if I'm planting a very temperamental plant, start with soil test. But if I have a healthy garden, I would not change anything regardless what a soil test said, because its too...
  8. E

    Indoor gardening

    Superb discussion, really learn a lot on this great community upon plants and gardening.
  9. E

    Garden fencing

    You need to decide the style you require, the material, and many such factors that go into the choosing the kind of fencing for your garden. From the simple to the decorative, now its on you that how much you're serious with your garden beauty.
  10. E

    Weed torch

    I just loved my flame weeds and used them in a rows or some of difficult place.