Recent content by flinthillbillie

  1. F

    Salsa Recipe?

    Here's a link to a really informative website that addresses the acidity issue with canning salsa: All the recipes they give are safe for boiling water bath canning and they say the best ingredient for acidity is bottled lemon juice.
  2. F

    squash bugs? (photo added)

    How about just letting one or two chickens at a time into the garden with you? I wouldn't want my whole flock in there either - they'd do way too much damage, but if I just let one or two in they don't seem to hurt anything and I know they're getting some of the bugs.
  3. F

    Couple of Questions

    I ditto Grow4Food's suggestion of using lime. I sprinkle it in a circle at the base of the plant and that seems to do the trick.
  4. F

    Anyone here grow red beets ?

    I'm glad to read this thread because I was wondering the same thing about the seeds sprouting more than one plant. In the past I so disliked having to thin the tender tiny beets that this year I was diligent about spacing the seeds an inch apart. Despite that, they came up thicker than I...
  5. F

    when is the absolute latest...

    I'm in zone 7 and am just putting my broccoli out. I'd say if you have the room to give it a try, go for it. It's probably too late for peas. I planted 2 little rows in March and a month later I had 3 (yup, that's 'three') plants finally apppear. I'm going to wait til fall to try again.
  6. F

    Pole bean supports

    I used a piece of American wire folded in half and set it pointy side up ( like an upside down V) then supported it with long sticks in the middle. I planted the beans on each side and they grew (and grew, and grew) up each side and met at the top. Only trouble was, I couldn't reach the top...
  7. F

    Dried Red Tomatoes

    I'd have to agree - don't use them if they've molded. As for oven drying, most ovens can't be set to a low enough temperature to dry tomatoes properly, but you can put a 100 watt lightbulb in your oven on one of those extension cord socket thingies and that should do the trick. I haven't tried...
  8. F

    Dried Red Tomatoes

    I don't think they use an outlandish amount of electricity, but they do produce heat so there's some usage. It's probably comparable to burning a lightbulb. (We got one of those thingies last year that you plug into your appliances and it tells you how many kwhs they use in a period of time...
  9. F

    Dried Red Tomatoes

    A friend of mine who was moving gave me her dehydrator (sans instructions) last year and I used it for tomatoes. I found cherry tomatoes did well cut in half. Other larger tomatoes needed to be cut into uniform thicknesses to dry properly. Seemed the dehydrator didn't warm uniformly...
  10. F

    Chainsaws without a pull-cord start?

    Rosalind, I feel your pain! I bought a brand new Stihl last year, my pride and joy. I'd wanted one for a long time. Seems the thing had it in for me from the get-go. I could almost never get it to start for me and finally took it back in to the dealer in tears, begging for help. They...