Recent content by kellygirrl

  1. K

    Blueberry or blackberry variety help

    Have you noticed that Triple Crown is less invasive than other blackberries? I grow Doyles, which are supposed to be similar in growth habit to Triples, and have not noticed aggressive spread (certainly not like the raspberries). Just curious. I'm surprised that you suggest blues, raspberries...
  2. K


    I'm doing a blueberry bed right now. The bad news is I can't put in big bushes b/c it's a corner-streetlight planting, so it has to be lowbush and a few half highs that won't obstruct traffic visibility. The good news is that I won't have to dig as deep to replace the soil. I'm going with 50% or...
  3. K

    My Rosemary

    Me too, sigh. I think it needs a super-duper sunny window, that's what I think. Southerngardener, re: "the occasional time" you use it, I used to forget to use my herbs all the time until I read this online mini article called "how to boost your salad's anioxident power by 200%". The answer was...
  4. K


    Hmm, trying to understand the advantage...Both sets will overlap in production when second set kicks in, you just don't get as much at first? Other Qs: Do your cukes last til frost, or do they tend to succumb to disease? (like mine:() Perhaps the later set lasts longer. Also, you say you...
  5. K

    Nanking Cherry

    I'll repeat my other-thread vote for the Carmine bush cherry. It was developed by a university in Canada, to have larger, sweeter berries. I forget now whether Hanson or Nanking is sweeter than each other, but they are both pretty small, fun for eating while you garden (the sweeter one, anyway)...
  6. K

    Using garlic stalks to make garlic pesto

    I've been reading an old discussion on Gardenweb about leaving the scapes on, in order to get better storage bulbs. The guy who explains it is a commercial grower. I'm going to try it next year. Hardnecks (the ones w/ scapes) are supposed to be more flavorful, but less keeping than softnecks...
  7. K

    Blueberry or blackberry variety help

    I read that some examples of resistant varieties of black currant are Consort, Crusader, Coronet, Ben Sarek, and Ben Nevis. They were bred for that reason, as I understand. I believe Consort is the one I have on the north side of my house w/ wonderfully fragrant yellow flowers in spring, and...
  8. K

    cross pollination

    That was the smartest thing I learned allll day! Also, it's kinda fun to grow peppers in pots, since they are perennial. I've kept peppers productive when I can give them enough light.
  9. K

    Blueberry or blackberry variety help

    It looks like it winter killed. I ordered it for spring planting, but they sent it late fall, too late for roots to get established, I feared at the time. Same thing happened to someone else in my town, I'm curious if his survived. Gurneys will replace it tho, I'm sure, so it's just the...
  10. K

    Direct Sow or Start Indoors?

    Yes, tomatoes, eggplant and peppers are all perennial. For LUCKY people. In the book Solviva, Any Edy claims to have like 30' tomato vines producing in her kitchen. (Read that book for a description of the house of my dreams...) I thank goodness for my self sown cherry toms, as in bad tomato...
  11. K

    Blueberry or blackberry variety help

    You could always plant currants. I've grown them in pretty shady places and gotten fruit. Gooseberries should do okay too. Alkaline soil is fine. Blueberries and most fruits really want sun. If you want to try a bush cherry, tho I think sun is a factor, I've bought a Carmine bush cherry...
  12. K

    Planting Anxiety

    Man can I relate to the struggles (tho I didn't read entire thread). Just wanted to suggest, and anything else on it you can google up on it. Increased germination rate, no worries about light supplementation, damping off, hardening off. They are at least initially behind indoor...
  13. K

    My first harvest!

    As long as your other greens aren't coming on yet, don't forget to toss those radish greens in your food, too, steamed, stirfried or whatever w/ other veggies. And if you let a radish go to seed, you can have "radish beans". (Fun from head to toe, those little guys.:))
  14. K

    Advise needed on planting potatoes in plastic 55 gallon drums

    Quoting from the link above, the guy on idigmygarden: "If it [underground stolon]goes beyond 2", and exposed to light, it begins to turn green and becomes permanent stem. Then the plant only produces a few stolons just above the root portion." Oops, wonder if at 3" you're already late. He goes...
  15. K

    Strawberries... had to cancel an order

    I would really like to understand strawberries better. I talked to someone who starts a new bed every year or is it two with some of the young plants, and retires the old bed, b/c the mothers become unproductive. Issues with disease build up would be avoided by rotating as well (another reason...