Recent content by missourigirl11

  1. missourigirl11

    Can I look inside your green house?

    Haha yeah, it was 90 something in there. I was sweating! :gig
  2. missourigirl11

    Can I look inside your green house?

    He is all country. He helps with me with everything outside! Dirt never hurt anyone :D Haha you noticed that. He loves his John Deere tractors and made his arm the a field I guess lol
  3. missourigirl11

    Can I look inside your green house?

    Sorry I haven't posted mine yet!! Will get them posted soon :) Until then, here is a pic of my son helping me in it today.
  4. missourigirl11

    Can I look inside your green house?

    :) I will be looking forward to some pics :weee
  5. missourigirl11

    Can I look inside your green house?

    I love love looking at other people's green house. I am gonna get some pics of mine tomorrow and post :)
  6. missourigirl11

    Done planting!!! How is your garden growing???

    It has been to cold and the rain just won't let up here so I have yet to plant anything in my garden. I have a lot of plants that are coming up that I had planted in my green house.
  7. missourigirl11

    New Arrivals!

    Good luck on raising them! They are a pain in the ....!!! :lol: My hubby bought me a incubator for Mother's Day last year, we hatched out 23 babies a couple months ago (had 50 eggs in there). I told him I was done with them for awhile because we already have about 20 full grown chickens. Well a...
  8. missourigirl11

    My children

    Beautiful dogs!!! :love
  9. missourigirl11

    Storm took out my greenhouse :(

    I would do that BUT I have like a million plants :lol: Not quite but I have a load. It took me about half an hour or more just to move them from one side of the shed to another :barnie I was just gonna see if you all thought they would survive or not. My hubby did order parts to fix it up, some...
  10. missourigirl11

    Introducing myself!

    Thanks! Nice to meet you too! :frow
  11. missourigirl11

    Names and Faces - Post your picture here!

    Here is me and my husband Me and my little man My hubby & son And us as a family (Christmas time)
  12. missourigirl11

    Introducing myself!

    I thought since I am kinda new here I would introduce myself! (: My name is Mandi. I am a 23 year old stay at home mom and wife. My husband Chris is a farmer and construction worker. His goal is to get enough land to farm on so he can quit working and become a full time farmer and I am...
  13. missourigirl11

    YAAY! New potatos

    :clap Yay! We have yet to plant our potatoes. Gonna be a really late start, if we decide to plant any.
  14. missourigirl11

    Storm took out my greenhouse :(

    Last week we had some storms and it really took a tole on my greenhouse :( Ripped off panels and bent the frame all up. My sweet husband had to go out and recuse ALL my plants that day. He put all them in the shed. So now they get no sun :( I have a light on my tomatoes. We ordered parts so...
  15. missourigirl11

    I hate nature!

    Yikes :rolleyes: I hope you feel better! That really bites. It is no fun at all when something you put so much time and effort into dies.