Recent content by mrsengeseth

  1. M

    Draining duck pool into veg garden...good idea?

    i will do that. I had pretty good maters last year, but ANYTHING i can do to help them out, I am all for.
  2. M

    Draining duck pool into veg garden...good idea?

    Water directly as is into the garden? Daily or weekly? or...? My idea was to create what we call a "leach field" back home...under my vegetable patch. does that sound appropriate for this? Or is it simple enough to just pump the waste into watering cans or such? I can probably give away duck...
  3. M

    Jerusalem Artichokes Question need help

    sounds like a good idea. You'll let us know how they do at the Farmers Market? I bought new tubers this season because, sigh, someone "helped" me weed. We have a wild multiheaded sunflower that looks a lot like a sunchoke, and before I could stop them, they had pulled up all the weeds and had...
  4. M

    The Great Chufa Experiment - Pics!

    i have never even heard of it before. But I'm game. I'll give it a go in a container too. I wonder if chickens would like it...
  5. M

    gardening magazines...seed catalogs

    oooooh, countrysidemag has a link to the backyard poultry mag i get too. I need to look into that one. It looks like somehting I'd be interested in! Thanks everyone1!!
  6. M

    gardening magazines...seed catalogs

    anyone get any that they reccommend. I get a few, but am always on the look out for another. I love getting magazines and learning new ideas, reading new stuff...seeing how other people do things etc. I get: Hobby Farms Mother Earth News Grit Backyard poultry Urban Farms (or will the minute...
  7. M

    Should I let the chickens in?

    I got one of these, and made a top for it....out of chicken wire and hardware cloth. If It is going to be super sunny out I put a folded tarp over part of the top, that way the can get into the shade if they want. I can have one or two chickens in it at a time...or six if I want the area tilled...
  8. M

    "Recycled Garden Art" Please add yours!

    the kids broken down wagon... the kids unused sandbox. they planted tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and somehting else, i forget what in there.
  9. M


    that's a cute idea!! good job on the corn, it looks great and is a benefit too as it's edible! woo hoo!
  10. M

    You want to test seeds for free?

    cool, i orederd some, lets see wht happens.
  11. M

    Hardy fast growing vines

    what about grapes? OR some sort of gourd, nest egg gourds would be really appropraite, dont'cha think? Nasturtuims are hardy, fast growing and edible...maybe not a vine, but it's kind of a good spreading plant...
  12. M

    Beets-I'll be doing these again!!! (Pic)

    zilla!! Howdy. I got mine from parks, I shoulda checked dollar general or someplace first, but it was an impulse buy while stuck inside during a rainstorm, sigh I am definitely gonna give a try at a fall planting of beets thanks for the pic !! IT's all the encouragement i needed...yum!!
  13. M

    My absense - and beware, truly, of the deer tick!

    i am so glad to hear you are on the mend. Hope you are back to 100% really fast.
  14. M

    Beets-I'll be doing these again!!! (Pic)

    yay!! I am so glad to hear they do well here! I ordered a variety from park seed and they arrived. I will have to see if i have time this year or to hold on to them till spring
  15. M

    Gardening Mistakes

    starting my seeds too early...i was overrun in my office with plants that i swear were telling me "Feed me Seamore!" But by the time it came to plant they were too spindly and weak. I had to start new seeds all over again.