Recent content by muddler6

  1. M

    Ratio of what to put in compost bins/piles

    WHat I do, and most people I know, is mix what you have when you have it. I have taken to mixing my grass clippings in with the compost that is started, and if I need some more browns I run the mower over the leaves at the edge of the yard or I go to the manure pile with all the wood shavings...
  2. M

    Am I getting it?

    Even if you bury the food, you will still get bugs, not a big deal. With a good hot pile it will be better and break down the carbon items better, so like the others said, don't turn as much, get some manure and some garden soil to add in as well, helps out a lot!! I have made my own compost...
  3. M

    Finally built a worm box

    I moved the worm box out to my finished compost pile, to keep it insulated from cold at night and heat on the hot days (not many of them yet). When I tilled the garden I gathered up a few dozen worms. So far so good. I add some of the stuff I take out to the working compost pile for them. My...
  4. M

    Finally built a worm box

    I saved the box, but abandoned the plan for now. I plan to now, keep it by the compost pile, and when I till the garden again, I will pick up as many as I can and put them in the bucket and feed them when I feed the compost pile and see how it goes. Before anyone asks, that pile is in the...
  5. M

    Finally built a worm box

    After another round of escapees, I put them in the middle of a new compost pile (that wasn't frozen solid). I guess I made some of the holes too large. I may try again this spring when itwarms up, and keep a worm box outside.
  6. M

    Anyone else's compost pile frozen solid?

    I was able to get some of the pile of the top, but it is still frozen solid in the middle of the pile. I tilled what I could into the garden today, I plan to wait a couple weeks then till again to make sure all the weeds and such are dead. Now I get to get the kids to work picking rocks out...
  7. M

    Finally built a worm box

    Well I added some worms yesterday, and I found about a dozen that had crawled out and died. What the heck did I do wrong? There seemed to be some moisture inside the bucket, no sure if it was from condensation or them crawling up the side of the bucket, but I added some potting soil I had...
  8. M

    Finally built a worm box

    I did it, I finally built myself a worm box. I had a cat litter bucket sitting in the basement, I drilled some air holes in the lid, and around the rim, and a few in the bottom for drinage. I also had an old plastic basket that it fit nicely into to catch any liquid that might drain out. I...
  9. M

    Please help me plan my compost pile...

    One of my compost bins is similar, but I cut the bottom out and flipped it over since I did not have wheels or a lid in my freebie. It actually out-composts my fancy "eartbin" I got from the local cooperative extension for attending a composting seminar. But it was free too, so of course it...
  10. M

    lifespan of pine raised beds?

    I had one made out of untreated 2x6's and I sold the house after 7 years, and I am sure they are still there, I would use exterior grade screws to put it together or at least galvanized nails.
  11. M


    My suggestion (since I do the this with all my chicken droppings and such) is have another pile or a few containers. Three consecutive bins is a great way to do it. Started compost (all the new material), partially broken down, and just about done (until it finishes and can be added to your...
  12. M

    Anyone else's compost pile frozen solid?

    I guess I have to remind myself that it is only March, and be a little patient, of course as I am writing this I am waiting on the SNOW that was being predicted for tonight. I just want to get it tilled in before I plant, so we'll see how it goes. Maybe I can throw a black tarp over it for a...
  13. M

    Anyone else's compost pile frozen solid?

    After my last grass cutting/leaf raking last fall I stopped adding and turning my pile. My small copost containers were dumped out into the garden and spread out ready to till in, but my big compost pile it frozen solid. It has been warm here for about the last week or so, and I was able to...
  14. M

    Another question about filling raised beds

    What I did and it worked pretty well, was let my bails of straw sit for a while before using as mulch (the center will start to get dark brown and all the seeds will sprout and most likely die off). I read a book a while back that gave that idea. The woman only used old bales of straw (got...
  15. M

    Please help me plan my compost pile...

    WHat I do is make a pile outside the chicken run with shavings, straw, poo mixture and when I mow the lawn (I have a bagger on my mower, I dump a bag of grass clippings and then a bucket of the poo mix and whatever else I have to throw in for kitchen scraps, egg shells, coffee grounds, etc...