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  1. P

    Is a tiller a good investment??

    Hi I am planning a huge garden this year along with some raised beds. My question is would a tiller be a good investment? My dad always used one and his garden always looked great and weed free. My dh works alot and is not able to help as much as I need him to in the garden so it is usually...
  2. P

    garden planning website

    Someone on BYC gave me this site and I love it!!! So I am taking vfem's advice and posting it for all to try. There is a 30 day free trial. Hope you enjoy!! :watering Jessica
  3. P

    building a greenhouse--need advice!!

    Hi, :frow I am planning a greenhouse and need help with making sure it will actually be worth while! I have a structure that was intended for a small horse stall for the kids ponies but we changed our mind and built run-in shelters instead in the fields. So I have a framed building 12 x 14 and...
  4. P

    dwarf fruit trees

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone has dwarf fruit trees and if so how do you like them? I was thinking of getting some citirus ones that are suppose to start having fruit within 12 months of planting. I am also planting a full size orchard but thought of planting a few dwarf ones around the...
  5. P

    Please help ~~Strawberries??

    Hi! I need help with planning for strawberries. I want to have enough strawberries for my family to eat and enough for preserves/canning, plus with hungry neighbors always stopping by. :watering I also need to know if I should put them in a raised bed or in rows in the garden. Also when is the...