Search results

  1. S

    Got some kiwi vines at the herb fair...

    Has anyone grown this before? They are the shiny green leaves, not the pink, white, and green. Apparently, they are hardy here in OK, and the guy said they are the fuzzy brown ones. He'd never heard of the small smooth ones. I am debating where to put them. I had planned to put them on...
  2. S

    Moon Gardens, anyone?

    I was curious if anyone here plants "Moongardens", you know, gardens that release their fragrance at night, and plants whose blooms show up best at night. I plant regular white moonflowers on my arbor, I used to have pink moonflowers, but have lost them. I have Datura and Brugmansia also. I...
  3. S

    Who would be interested in a Spring Meet-Up/Swap in NE OK?

    Would any Okies or close neighbors be interested in doing a spring plant swap? It's getting close to time to start working out our beds, and moving things around. I am in the Tulsa/Bixby area, and would not mind hosting if there is enough interest. What do y'all say?? I think it would be a...
  4. S

    Does ANYONE have any ipomoea macrorhiza seeds???

    This is a pink/purple moon flower. I had seeds years ago and lost them in the move. It gets as big, or bigger than the regular white moonflower, but not as fragrant. Here is a link to a pic...I hope it's ok to post it: I have several...
  5. S

    What have you bought so far? Post your lists here!

    Here are the seeds I have ordered from Bakers. There are a few I am getting locally and then most of the tomatoes and peppers I always buy in plants from a local grower that specializes in heirlooms. 1-Dishcloth or Luffa gourd 1 - Precoce d'Argenteuil white with rose bud asparagus 1 - Giant...
  6. S

    Looking for trades...

    Hey everyone! Just wandered over from BYC and thought I would see if anyone is interested in trading seeds. I have a TON, and most are harvested from my garden. If they are from a store/mail order, I will tell you. I am really looking for some veggies this year. Specifically artichokes...