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  1. K

    In Michigan and new to gardening

    I live in the middle about in Michigan... I have a garden that my hubby made for me last year that just grew weeds.. this year I want it to grow plants that we can actually use.. Veggies lots of them.. Carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, and watermelon so what do I...
  2. K

    New to Gardening- what do I do!

    HI Everyone- Okay I have been married to a wonderful man for 20 yrs... and have fought tooth and nail not to have to do a garden- I grew up in the city- he grew up in the country on a farm with a mom and dad who grew A LOT of stuff... but he does not have the time to spend gardening and would...
  3. K

    I goffed

    Hello-my name is Donna and I live in the middle of Michigan abouts... I grew up in the city and have lived on my husband family dairy farm for about 20 yrs... BUT have refused to learn to garden.. But this yr my 17 yr old daughter thought it would be nice to plant a garden, well in Feb I saw a...