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    Tomatillos, What to do with them?

    We grew tomatillos for the first time to see if they would grow well here. Well they did great! There are only four plants, but there are dozens of friut on all of them. They are starting to ripen and I was wondering how to use them. Does anybody out there have any recipes? :idunno I was told...

    Jerusalem Artichockes

    Is it unusual for Jerusalem Artichokes to not be in bloom yet? I got one plant last year from my mother in law and planted in a raised bed. Due to several circumstances last year there really wasn't a garden in that area but the plant did get water when I remembered. Early last spring while...

    Need help with asparagus

    We have some VERY old asparagus coming up in an area where we don't want it. I dug up as much as I could without using a back hoe, and now I have about 20# of long skinny roots without crowns. Could these be planted elsewhere and still grow, eventhough they have no crown just individual roots...

    Planting Onions

    Does anybody out there know how deep to plant onion sets that are the type that look like trimmed scallions? These are ring masters and we have always planted seed or bulb type sets. Any info would be greatly appreciated :)

    Growing Sprouts

    I've been using the old canning jar method for sprouts and it's been working very well for alfalfa,wheat and mung beans. My question is are beet seed not suitable for sprouting in this manner? The few that did sprout don't look like anything I would want to eat. Just wondering ('cause it's so...

    It's Still Cooking!

    We are in a cold snap right now and the compost pile is still cooking. It's layers of horse manure and and chicken poop and pvc tubes for ventilation. Every morning when I go out to feed I pull one out to see what's going on inside. There are still warm, not as hot as last week but warm is good...