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  1. H

    When to plant fall crops?

    I have vegetable CSA with 30 members in Northern Illinois, Zone 5. I am planting brussel sprouts right now and planted head cabbage starts two weeks ago. I will be doing more lines of carrots and beets next week as well as kale. This will be followed by lettuce in the last week of July and...
  2. H

    two of my chickens have died :(

    I've had a number of heart wrenching loses this year. First a baby goat died at a day old. I lost one chicken as it was about to commence laying, reasons still unknown, and had another one pecked to death a the feeder. There was also one chick that arrived with splayed legs and didn't make it...
  3. H

    Why does my zucchini wilt?

    I have vine borer problems which causes the plant to suddenly collapse and die. I have tried various approaches but about the only thing that works is to make a slit in the plant a few inches off the ground and dribble in a few drops of bt. This is a bacterium that affects only caterpillers...
  4. H

    Dream garden/chicken coop setup

    I saw the earlier post on the "chicken moat". I have a "Goat Moat". I have Tennesse Fainting Goats, which are not so aggressive in challenging fences due to their tendency to "faint" when startled. The most they do is put their front legs up on the fence to try and reach goodies on the other...
  5. H

    Heirloom seeds

    I actually sell the Seed Savers seed. I have a set of their seed racks in my barn/store. We have a CSA and a garden center at our house where we also sell the plants that I have started in the greenhouse. We have just finished our selling season and are now focusing on the CSA. All of our...
  6. H

    Sour strawberries

    Our heirloom strawberries are just now coming in and do not taste at all like they did last year. We have had extraordinary amounts of rain with 3 inches in just one day last week so maybe that is it. Is there anything I can do to improve the ones that haven't ripened yet? We are getting very...
  7. H

    What animals are you Gardening with?

    I just got to this site from Backyard Chickens where the moderator here helped clean up a bad camper on one of the treads I was on. I have an heirloom/heritage farm where we grow on two acres of garden and have a 25 member CSA with some of the members volunteering to work for part of their...