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  1. MissPrissy

    how can i keep good peaches on my peach trees

    We use an orchard spray before the blooms set and after rain - it washes away. I have never had any luck with an organic method for fruit on trees.
  2. MissPrissy

    damson and stanley plum

    My damsons are 85 yrs old and 3 new saplings so I can't tell you. I am in a watch and see mode right now.
  3. MissPrissy

    How the bee was made, the bee made honey

    It is super cold and windy here. Very strange weather. We are holding them in the diningroom and feeding sugar water. Hopefully temps start to rise tomorrow.
  4. MissPrissy

    How the bee was made, the bee made honey

    Well it's a darn good life and it's kinda funny How the bee was made, the bee made honey And the honey bee lookin' for a home Made a honeycomb Then they combed the world and they gathered all Of the honeycomb into one sweet ball And the honeycomb from a million trips Made my baby's lips Oh...
  5. MissPrissy

    Steaming Compost

    We have a cart full of chipped apple wood from a downed tree we ground up. It rained 2 days before we could empty it. On the 3rd day when the sun came out and I turned out the chips it was all steaming and smelling wonderful!
  6. MissPrissy

    My Crabapple Trees In Bloom

    I have to worry with the black walnut leaves getting in my pool. HATE those things. They stain the concrete something aweful.
  7. MissPrissy

    My Crabapple Trees In Bloom

    Yep. Pretty pink apple jelly is what you get.
  8. MissPrissy


    I am from Burke Co., Ga. :)
  9. MissPrissy

    How big is your garden?

    I have 3 big garden plots. I know they are more than an acre. The largest will get a tiny bit smaller when we put up the fencing for my new goose yard.
  10. MissPrissy

    My Crabapple Trees In Bloom

    No, they are not poisonous. They make lovely pink jelly for Christmas gifts. ;)
  11. MissPrissy

    How does your state measure up??

    My kids have never really been picky. I have a 2 yr old who loves beets, carrots, peas, broccoli and the average salad fixings. He dislikes things like corn and cabbage etc. All of my kids would choose a big salad over over greasy bugers any day. I have found by growing our own vegetables they...
  12. MissPrissy

    My Crabapple Trees In Bloom

    This is the path to my little koi pond. The crabapple trees are in full bloom. They really do rival the cherry trees in DC. This is the bench where you can sit at night by the light of the solar lamps and watch the frogs on the rocks and lily pads. In late September and October...
  13. MissPrissy

    My cool weather garden

    Put out some hydrated lime. Often it will keep things from getting your plants. Take a tin can (or coffee can) and punch some holes in the side and secure it to a stick like a shaker and put the lime out down the rows. We do it here to help deter the groundhogs and things that eat the new...
  14. MissPrissy

    Topsy Turvey upside down planter??

    I used homemade upside down buckets for tomatoes when we lived in the city in a townhouse. Worked perfectly.
  15. MissPrissy

    New Fruit Trees

    I knew that about winesaps in the back of my mind. Why did he tell me that? I have 4 other apple trees in my orchard that have been here for 8 or more decades. I have no idea what the variety is. There are 2 reds and 2 greens. Old trees don't make as nice a fruit as younger but since these...
  16. MissPrissy

    My cool weather garden

    About 1 foot tall at the highest. :D
  17. MissPrissy

    My cool weather garden

    It is gorgeous here this morning. I put my geese out to play. :) I have some herbs and cabbage to get in the ground today.
  18. MissPrissy

    My cool weather garden

    We had to burn the wood stove yesterday. It was cold! Tomorrow will be 75. Go figure. And it has rained for a week.
  19. MissPrissy

    Growing cabbage plant indoors?

    I plan to make kraut this year.