Search results

  1. rainnotebook

    Pictures of my garden - I LOVE my garden!

    I actually just learned about Kohlrabi earlier this year. I thought it was a root vegetable! It's been very fun to see it grow!
  2. rainnotebook

    Pictures of my garden - I LOVE my garden!

    Thank you all! I was originally going to put herbs in them but then someone gave me a bunch of garlic and since we love garlic... I thought I'd plant them in there. As well as everywhere else. :P I brought some of the rocks from our friends house, but mostly my yard. We have a large rocky...
  3. rainnotebook

    Blog Comment Buddies

    That sucks. :( I have you on my blog reader so when you blog next I'll be there reading. :)
  4. rainnotebook

    Pictures of my garden - I LOVE my garden!

    Thanks! :D I definitely have to water them every day and they are just okay. They were doing great until the turkey's found them and ate them down to an inch tall. The picture is regrowth and its not as strong of a plant as they used to be. As long as they are watered every day in this heat...
  5. rainnotebook

    Pictures of my garden - I LOVE my garden!

    I'm just so excited to share pictures of my garden. I had to post a post about them :)
  6. rainnotebook

    Blog Comment Buddies

    Okay... I finally got some pictures up of my garden, including the pictures of the garlic pots. Enjoy. :)
  7. rainnotebook

    Blog Comment Buddies

    As for me a different browser didn't work. Even firefox :/ I need to check out Wyzo. Never heard of that browser... I'll try it when I get home. Thanks for your help!!
  8. rainnotebook

    Blog Comment Buddies

    There has got to be something from my end... but 4 out of 5 computers won't let me do it and they are all different operating systems. The only thing consistent is the internet connection... so I'm wondering if its that. The one from work is on a whole different network. As for browsers I...
  9. rainnotebook

    Blog Comment Buddies

    It's weird... on my work computer all those comment boxes work. Guess I'll just have to comment from work. :)
  10. rainnotebook

    Blog Comment Buddies

    The ones I can't comment on are: Like I said I've tried to change it on my end. Tonight I'm on a whole different computers and I'm still having the same problems. It just sucks!
  11. rainnotebook

    Blog Comment Buddies

    Yes! Yours is a perfect one! I can (and will) leave comments!
  12. rainnotebook

    Blog Comment Buddies

    Its been like this for various blogs for weeks. For days on your guys', and its still that way. I've tried different browsers, different computers, and even cleared the cache.
  13. rainnotebook

    Blog Comment Buddies

    Thats the thing. I've been signed up with Blogspot for years.... and I even signed in to see if that was the problem. Maybe I should try to get a new account? I don't know. I seriously think I tried everything.
  14. rainnotebook

    Blog Comment Buddies

    Thank you all for sharing your blogs. I will definitely try the networking on facebook! Thanks for the tip!!! FYI some of your blogs I can't comment on. I've tried lots of ways but for some reason I can't seem to "login" or post my name and link. Because I can't do this I can't comment...
  15. rainnotebook

    Blog Comment Buddies

    Yay! Thanks guys!! It's always way more fun when you know people are reading your blog and leaving comments. I will add you to my list too! :) Thanks!! :) Well... I ended up putting Garlic in each one and they worked out great... until the turkeys came in and ate everyone down to little...
  16. rainnotebook

    Blog Comment Buddies

    I'm looking for blog comment buddies. I love blogging but when I don't have someone there reading my blog and commenting I feel like "whats the point". Since the majority of what I blog about is my chickens and garden I thought it would be great to find comment buddies on here! So here I am...
  17. rainnotebook

    The Community Garden Project - The Easy Garden Community WEIGHS In!

    Came over from BYC... I'm down for this. Been preparing my garden and have my receipts ready to be counted. I'm curious to see how my pricing will be. Thanks for the idea!
  18. rainnotebook

    How much do I need to plant?

    I know this is an intense question. I have had gardens for years including vegetable gardens. But I now work for a clinic that wants to have an organic garden. I'm in charge of it and really excited but I've never had a garden this size before. We will be growing vegetables to feed our...
  19. rainnotebook

    Edible Flower

    I am interested in finding any and all edible flowers that you know are out there? I'm working for a clinic and am in charge of the garden (yay!) and basically we only want edible things in the garden. We will have a vegetable garden but I want lots of colors so lots of flowers too. So my...