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  1. C

    Will a shamrock plant live outside?

    I have a shamrock plant that I took outside to transplant into a larger pot and accidently missed a bulb (whatever you want to call them) and now its growing in my flower bed. I like shamrock plants, its even flowering but I wondered if it would come back next year or not? I live in Northeastern...
  2. C

    What kind of flower is this?

    Since we bought the house 8 years ago, we have had this growing along the side of the house in our dogs yard in the shady part. Well, not really any left in the dogs yard now but so now its growing by our front steps almost under the lilac trees. They are pretty, grow straight up almost like...
  3. C

    houseplants have tiny flies

    I brought my plants home from my previous job and have introduced lots of tiny flies to my house now. Is there a way to kill the little flies without harming the plants? They seem to be on the soil and not the plants.
  4. C


    I just paid a dang fortune to replace my septic system, which is in my yard I have worked so hard on for years to grow grass after the house was a rental for over 20 years. We have clay soil so drainage was and is bad, so we had to have a larger than planned leech field (rock bed style). The man...
  5. C

    I got taters!

    I have posted here a few times about my tater plants. They bloomed about a month or so ago and the plants seem to still be growing well. I dig through the dirt periodically to check to see how things are progressing and then recover. I am out of taters to eat so decided to go see if I had any...
  6. C

    Hot pepppers

    I planted 4 different kinds of peppers this year, all hot. In the past, I have always had a terrible time knowing when the peppers are ready to pick. I had one I picked a few weeks ago and hubby said it wasn't ripe, tasted just like a green pepper instead of hot. Anyone have a way of telling if...
  7. C

    potato plants too big?

    I planted several red potato plants this year and they have flowered nice purple flowers. I mounded straw and compost(goat poo) around the plants and sprayed them with Miracle Grow once already when the first one started to flower. I have no potatoes in the compost area that I mounded, but if I...
  8. C

    I have potatoes growing!!

    WhooHoo!! FINALLY, I was worried about them, but after 3 weeks, they are finally above ground. I have seen that 10 of them have broken through the soil, some more than others. I planted alot of veggies in peat pots, including corn and that didnt go well. I did the seeds and that did great...
  9. C

    Little 'bout me

    Thought seeing I am new HERE, I would post a bit about me. I am also from the BYC's, known there as smoky73 aka Cara. Anyway, married to DH for 7 years next month, and we have raised chickens (and goats lol) for about 5. I am originally from Rhode Island, but moved here to Colorado in 91 after...
  10. C

    Potato question

    I went back to read up on the potato topics and I know I am planting them late, but it seemed I did them last year about this time though differently than I am doing this year. Last year I did the tire way, and we were 4 tires high. The plants died pretty quickly it seemed, and never flowered...