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  1. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2012 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - weigh in by 15 October

    LOL! thats it rite there, the guy up the road from me freaks out everytime he sees a cop car, and one day I was out in the yard and he came up yelling at me that I was shooting in my yard and his neighbor called the cops and said it was him (he has no neighbor) he said and I quote "I DONT WANT...
  2. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    Garden not big enough?

    THAT'S GREAT! LOL :mow
  3. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2012 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - weigh in by 15 October

    haha that's great I love growing tomatoes they are delicious and fun, unfortunately none of my neighbors grow any thing legal so trading with them isn't an option LOL!
  4. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2012 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - weigh in by 15 October

    I started a lot of stuff inside this year, I have 15 or so tomatoes, onion, cantaloupe,watermelon, luffa, peppers, pumpkin, I've lost track haha
  5. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2012 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - weigh in by 15 October

    Finally I can plant!! I've been going insane! a week and a half ago we had SNOW! in socal its been insane around here haha but the seeds all go in today!
  6. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2012 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - weigh in by 15 October

    Hey SuperChemicalGirl, so glad you decided to start another contest I joined last year but LOST! all my pumpkins to pests Hopefully I can do better this year! I'm growing dills Atlantic giant, Calabaza first prize hybrid, jack be little's and jack o lanterns :watering
  7. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    what and when to plant for socal spring

    Ok I live in southern California, I was curious as when to plant my spring seeds and what all I can plant?
  8. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    Hmm well I have no clue then haha this is the first time it has happened to me lol Also it looks like in your pic u have bite marks to lol
  9. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    I honestly have no clue what causes it but it's only that mutated one haha I don't know if it will drop off or not but I think it might be because it's of the giant pumpkin variety that it happens to cuz the regular one have never done it Also to make an update the pumpkin in my second pic has...
  10. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    heres the 22 incher (that was 2 days ago so its bigger now) heres the 21 incher I used an ant trap as a comparison (all I had in the garden at the time haha)
  11. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    im doing great (I think) lol ill get some pics up later of my 22 incher ;) the one I HAD would have been like 50 by now but it got taken out my a squirrel then i took out the squirrel haha ive averaged out that my lil hopeful grows 2 1/2" every 48 hours is that under normal or above agerage?
  12. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    :ep :bow that is ......... scary lmao I would have no way to move one if i was lucky enough to grow it lol
  13. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    my pumpkin did that to it seems like the fruits closest to the vine shrivel up but the ones farthest do better mine went from 6 5/8's to 7 1/2 inches in 2 days so im praying it stays alive
  14. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    good its been thundering and lighting here for 2 days only rained the night of the 4th tho although humidity is in the 55-85 all day they still look healthy tho and BLOOMED HUGE this morning so hopefully this will be beneficial :) my pumpkins were about that size SCG maybe 3 weeks ago? then...
  15. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    it rained on my pumpkins last night...........does this spell disaster for me and my pumpkins?
  16. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    thats great to know thanks :) the new leaves look great bright green and perky
  17. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    are pumpkins heat tolerant???

    yes it is very hot and miserable now were having electrical storms and the humidity is BAD thank you lesa and hoodat for the help :)
  18. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    some of the leaves on my vines on the tips are turning a lil yellow and some brown there the oldest leaves is this normal is not what is it and how do I fix it? other than thay my plants are growing and blooming like weeds lol my lil pumpkins are growing to
  19. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    2011 TEG Giant Pumpkin Contest - JOIN US BY AUGUST 1ST!!

    haha if I win ill give my address as long as im not gonna open the box and you pop out had that happen at a birthday party jumped out of a cake completely DESTROYED the cake..... LMAO
  20. ShortCircuitRanch2332

    are pumpkins heat tolerant???

    this may be a dumb question but I never thought about it till I seen the forcast for this weekend today 105 tommorow 112 and sunday 111 :/ so will my pumpkins be ok and if not what can I do to protect them??