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  1. E

    Succulent Question: Aeonium, Black Rose, Zwartkop

    Could it be heat damage? I suppose it depends on how warm it is really... Do you have a photo?
  2. E

    Sphagnum Moss - questions!

    I use sphagnum moss, absolute bags of it, and I am really getting to the stage where I could really do with growing it, or something similar. I have no idea how I'd go about this or what it'd entail. I have tried looking on the net for some 'caresheets' but not really getting anywhere. I am...
  3. E

    Keeping the moths away? Especially indoors...

    Does anyone know of any natural methods of keeping the moths away? Moth balls really aren't the way forward and although lavender does help a little, it'd be nice to have another scent in the house! I've had this problem for about two years now and I'm sure some do damage my plants...does this...
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    Banana tree - what sort of climate?

    I saw a banana tree being sold today and it was at least a metre tall and the leaves were huge. I was wondering though, what sort of climate do these plants need? I'm sure here in England it's nowhere near warm enough so maybe it'd be a greenhouse job? Fascinating really :) Does anyone keep...
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    It rained today....

    Sure sounds as though he/she has green fingers!! You must be very proud :) Most kids would be prettyn negative about the rain!
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    new front yard herb beds

    I don't mean to repeat what has been said but I must also say how amazing that driftwood looks, it really draws your attention to the beds. I wish I could find some around now!
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    Pic of my tiny tea garden...

    This looks fantastic!! Do post pics when it grows a little more, would love to see how it develops. Especially the chamomile!!
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    Floral tea suggestions?

    I am a tea lover and love floral teas, however rose teas can often be a bit rich (especially when black tea) so I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions other than rose?? Rose is a lovely addition to white tea but I would love a change. Any suggestions welcome!!
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    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    I repotted a Sarracenia leucophylla hybrid, was an awful job but it so needed to be done. Saw that one of the pitchers caught something too - gotta love it!!
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    Praying Mantis!

    You're so lucky to be able to stumble upon these little creatures, they're beautiful! Nice idea to point out that they're the 'good guys' too :)
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    Oriental Lilies from my garden

    I love the muscadets - you've done a fab job, they're divine!!
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    Does anyone keep terrarium carnivorous plants?

    Just wondering if there are any other terrarium carnivorous plant fans out there?? I recently ordered a Nepenthes x hookeriana online and it came completely smashed up, a few of the pitchers had burst. Since putting it in a terrarium and giving it a more humid surrounding it seems to be doing...
  13. E

    Probably so basic, what's this?!

    Hey all. I am a complete newbie and picked a plant up today without even thinking to ask what it was. I therefore haven't a clue how to look after it. I would be so grateful if someone could ID this for me but I can't post the URL because I am a new member. Would anyone be willing to help...