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  1. K

    Draining duck pool into veg garden...good idea?

    *phew* Thank you all for the imput. The way I've arranged it the duck water will all be going directly underground through the drainage pipes I've installed. The only root vegetable I'm growing is onions, do you think those will be safe to eat since I'll peel & discard the skin & outer layer...
  2. K

    Draining duck pool into veg garden...good idea?

    My ducks have a big plastic kiddy pool to swim in. I siphon it out every 2-3 days. In order to keep the ground around the pool drier & cleaner I siphon it out with a hose that drains 50 feet away. I just planted the veg garden and thought it would be a good idea to have the duck water drain...
  3. K

    Dried Red Tomatoes

    Thank you all for your imput, you're so helpful & generous! I put the moldy slices in the compost but managed to save most of the rest of the toms, made a small bag full. Next time I'm going to try drying them in the oven, it starts at 170 degrees. I'll begin with just a small amount & see...
  4. K

    Dried Red Tomatoes

    All right, I am drying tomatoes for the first time in my KMart Home Essentials brand electric dehydrator. Yesterday afternoon I filled its 5 trays with beautiful vine-ripe cherry tomatoes, halved, and some larger tomatoes, sliced into 1/2" half circles. The instructions included with this...
  5. K

    A question about poo

    You can make a quick & easy compost bin by fastening 3 wooden pallets together on their sides to make an open square, then hinge or bungee a fourth for a door. Otherwise, just pile the pats in one place and in a few months you can start using the most aged ones. That's good stuff for your...
  6. K

    worm bins how do you make them? how do you care for them?

    If this still isn't enough info for you there is an article at, type "vermi-composting" in the search. She gives instructions there for the plastic bin style of worm home.
  7. K

    Growing Potatoes

    I've grown potatoes from cut-up grocery store potatoes before. Whatever "they" are spraying on the 'taters to prevent them from sprouting either doesn't work well or last very long because the ones I bring home like to start growing within a week. But this time I started with a bag of...
  8. K

    Glossy Paper Toxic?

    I'd like to know more about the benefits/hazards of composting different sorts of paper. A recent article in our newspaper described how to build a compost pile, and listed "paper" along with things to NOT include. The article didn't go into details why. I've been shredding our junk mail...
  9. K


    The folks at your county extension office should know best what to plant & how in your particular area. In my county there is a direct phone line manned by Master Gardeners who are available daily to answer all my plant questions. Rosemary grows like an evergreen bush, with fragrant short...
  10. K

    Dried Red Tomatoes

    Not to be confused with Fried Green Tomatoes... I didn't want to bother with cooking & canning the extra tomatoes from this year's garden, so I got myself a food dehydrator from FreeCycle and am going to try and dry them instead. In South Florida our tomato season ends with the hot weather...
  11. K

    Horse manure?

    I have a neighbor who brings me her horses' output neatly contained in black plastic garbage bags. Mister always fusses ("We don't need more poop!") but I too am of the opinion that you can never get enough good compost. I pile those bags in out-of-the-way places and let them cook until I need...
  12. K

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Recently I have been incorporating "edible landscaping" into my planting plans. I'm repairing some garden beds by the front door & have installed lots of herbs & pepper plants there. Today I planted: oregano thyme dill parsley tarragon echanacia jalapeno pepper chili pepper green bell...
  13. K

    South Florida, anyone?

    We're in western West Palm Beach, Florida. Is there anyone else close enough to share seeds, sprouts & cuttings? I have a big bird 'n' butterfly garden, lots of native flowering shrubs, a veg garden, and herbs. Gardening in South Florida is so different from most of the rest of the country...