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    Coturnix Quail and my ugly aviary

    So I can't have chickens here, so I'm planning on getting a few Quail. I found this Craigslist post: I'm planning on getting 5 Coturnix hens to start out with, and maybe expand as I get comfortable with them. I want to be able to keep them...
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    Rabbit Shaming :D

    "I tricked my mom into making my playpen bigger by jumping out of my old one." I made her playpen out of storage cubes, can't trust her out of it because she goes under the couch and won't come out. I know she can because one time I threw lettuce on the floor and it was gone a few minutes...
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    Permaculture Setup

    I'm wanting to make our whole yard into a permaculture garden. The whole low maintenance thing appeals to me, because I tend to get lazy. I know I need to start slow, not only to slowly add responsibility, but also because I don't have a lot of money to bring in loads of compost, wood chips...
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    Which herbs will spread and will grow in shade?

    I have a flower bed(empty) that is edged with concrete that I'd like to grow an edible herb ground cover in. I want the herbs to spread and kind of take care of themselves after they're established, because this area of the yard tends to get ignored. What can I grow here? I just bought...
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    Trying to grow a lawn where lots of weeds grow, would this work?

    We don't water our yard, except for the garden and flower bed, etc. because all that grows there is weeds(Mostly Stinging Nettles). I'm thinking of smothering them with 2 or 3 layers of cardboard, and straw. Then Seeding and covering with compost. Would that work? TIA