Search results

  1. F

    Help us pick a name for our farm!

    Yes, I have a thought. If your last name is Kuska, then why not the Kuska Egg Farm? That would really be unique. Unique because most others seem to be trying to catch gimmicky, odd, or silly names for their farm or business............. So I'm thinking, be different. Kuska sounds like an old...
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    Where Were You on This Date, 1972?

    In '72 I was disgusted at having to help out in the garden, and did everything to avoid it. Thought it was something only old folks could be interested in. Been a transformation since then... During the lunar expedition years I remember staring hard at the moon wondering if I might see some...
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    'Job hunting' ... or some sort of joke?

    Who are the "theys" who keep sending folks to the landfill for non-posted, non-existant applications? Tell those "theys" to knock it off. I've done interviewing. Some people try hard, but honestly have no clue of the negative impression they make on others. They just need good advice from...
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    Speaking of bad manners...

    Sounds like you have a group of foragers that will stay as long as the feast is on. Just remove the feeders for 7 to 10 days, and that group should move on. Unless they've got another good food source nearby.
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    Wedding Shower Rant !!

    Why don't you accidently email her this thread.
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    Tough Question to Answer

    A few of us folks were having coffee in the bakery one Saturday afternoon, and one of the group posed a very interesting question. That question was: "If you could go backwards or forwards in time for a 24 hour period only, what day would it be?" - It could be anytime from earths first day of...
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    Got a Bad Back?

    Lower back pain is an unpredictable mystery to me. Sometimes it just shows up and I cannot figure out how or why it happened. And one time, it quickly vanished in the space of 15 minutes after I'd been suffering for several weeks. That sudden restoration to health felt like instantly going...
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    Anyone Going Shopping On Friday?

    We're going! Not so much to shop, but more for amusement. Black Friday has got to be the best day of the year for observing the human species regressing back towards basic primal instincts. Wow, some of the things we've seen in past years. ..Whew! Might even pick up a couple things if not too...
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    Gas prices below $3/gallon?!

    I remember back some years ago when gas prices were hovering in the mid 2.50's. One day I pull into a gas station with a nearly empty tank. Look up at the sign, and to my shock and disgust the price was 2.84! Well, I had to buy some, but I just bought a half tank. My thinking was, "I'm not...
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    When to turn the lights on? ACK!! post 29

    We add lights to get a more consistant egg yield throughout the winter. Morning and evening. Hens don't have to be 'caught in the dark' when evening lights go off, or 'suddenly awakened' when morning lights come on. You just need 2 timers and 2 light fixtures. One light fixture will have a...
  11. F

    Italian Sweet Peppers

    We call them Italian Frying Peppers here, because they are great fried! Just in olive oil, with maybe a dash of garlic or onion. Also good on pizza. They can be hung in the kitchen, threaded through the green stem part to form a sort of braid or rope. Don't know how long they would keep...
  12. F


    majorcatfish, I see now your original post is over a month old. What did you decide on? If buying new, and haven't got one yet, JD is currently running an excellent sale on their x500 and x700 series. $500 off! The basic x500 would be plenty for the situation you described without being...
  13. F


    That's not correct. A low percentage of JD parts are manufactured in other countries. However, they are entirely built here, in America, by John Deere. Yes, a JD will cost more upfront (but costs less in the longrun!). Best overall value comes with well maintained quality equipment. Buy the...
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    Almost Took Them To The Pound

    Nyboy, your episode of good dogs unintentionally doing bad reminds me of an incident that I witnessed many years ago. The summer after HS graduation a group of us went weekend camping. One of the guys had a young, very active black Lab. One night we were prepping supper, frying fish and...
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    Your tax dollars at work

    I agree with Ridgerunner. If those were my tax dollars at work, then my money was reasonably (but not efficiently) spent. You make some good points though Jack. It wasn't handled as professionally as it could have been. Now if they can focus hard on preventing suppliers from importing here...
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    Breaking new ground

    Maybe you should've called the SWAT team to clear the area first. :/
  17. F

    Wanted: Peaches

    I'd like someone with EXCELLENT peaches to sell me some. They cannot be gotten in my locality (Minnesota). Really, they can't! Send maybe a couple days before fully ripe, so they hit prime up here. You receive my money (Postal Money Order) BEFORE you send the peaches. Anywhere from 6 to 12...
  18. F

    Peaches and more peaches!

    What's the deal with peaches nowadays? I remember as a youngster in the 70's store peaches could be bought in their shipping crate. Each peach would be wrapped in a pink tissue. These peaches were always the freestone type. Aromatic, juicy and delicious (super delicious!). Today, getting...
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    Lawn sweepers

    Lawn sweepers are pretty useful. I've got one. You can sweep a lawn much faster than it was to mow. Besides grass clippings, it's useful for leaves, evergreen cones and even small random twigs (but not apples :( ). They can get quite heavy when full, so make sure your machine has the...