Search results

  1. TheArcane

    Herb that grow well in clay soil?

    Mixing compost into the soil to try to make it less dense seems to be the way to go. I struggle with the same thick clay soil you're describing. While I have mixed in compost and better quality soil to improve it, my thyme, lemon balm, and lavender seem to be doing quite well in it.
  2. TheArcane

    Bay Leaf

    Three blocks away is extremely dangerous. Do you ever try to justify landscaping based on the fact that you can't have a yard that looks trashy so near a nursery? ;) Bay Leaf is looking great. Not one I've tried yet though I'd love to :)
  3. TheArcane

    What Are You Planting Today, This Week, This Month?

    Today I planted some German Thyme, and some English Thyme, as well as some Sweet Basil around my Black Cherry Tomatoes.
  4. TheArcane

    mint as a grohnd cover!!?

    I have a similar hillside that I've been considering letting mint have it's way with. It's too steep to mow safely, and parts of it are eroding toward my house which is never a good thing. My only concern was with how tolerant the mint would be if it didn't get water consistently. Here in...
  5. TheArcane

    Herbs for BQ

    My preferred way to grill chicken breasts is to light up the coals, and once they've ready to move them all to one side of the grill. I will cover the chicken in olive oil, thyme, and season salt, and will sear them directly over the coals on each side for around 2 minutes, or until you have...
  6. TheArcane

    Greetings From The Pacific Northwest!

    I've lived in several different regions of the country and must say the Pacific Northwest is one of the most beautiful. Very blessed. -Josh
  7. TheArcane

    All is not lost

    That seems pretty surprising, I was just at the garden center in Lowes and they had a ton of rosemary
  8. TheArcane

    Greetings From The Pacific Northwest!

    I really appreciate such a warm welcome from everybody, I'm really looking forward to diving into some of the discussion. To answer a few of your questions I primarily grow herbs for culinary use, or because I find the plant itself appealing to the eye. Honestly one of my favorite uses for...
  9. TheArcane

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Here is a picture of our freshly planted bell peppers.
  10. TheArcane

    Greetings From The Pacific Northwest!

    Hello! I stumbled across this site while I was on the Backyard Chicken message board doing a little research. I've been looking for a decent gardening message board for awhile and have never been able to find one that had a setup I liked, and also had good member activity until now. I hope...
  11. TheArcane

    Herbs for BQ

    I have a very large rosemary that often can afford to have some branches trimmed from it. What I've done a few times while I slow cook chicken on my weber is to cut some of the branches and simply place them near the chicken. It works well to infuse a little bit of the rosemary flavor into the...
  12. TheArcane

    All is not lost

    Oregano is one of those herbs that is great for people new to gardening because they're almost impossible to kill. It's still a personal favorite for me.