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    I need a covered run for my garden!

    Between the neighborhood cats spraying, the birds pecking holes in my tomatoes and the darn squirrels breaking my vines by jumping on the cages, my garden is going to pot!:barnie I am ready to have my DH build me a super sized walk in cage for my garden!
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    Male Cat's to be exact. They keep spraying my plants! I have everything in containers this year because I have very few sunny spots and terrible soil. I have looked at the things for sale at the feed store and pet store that you can spray or sprinkle to keep them away from things, but the...
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    Square Foot Gardening With Mel's Mix?

    I did a search of the board before making this post on square foot gardening. Does anyone here actually use Mel's Mix? I heard the book mentioned and recommended here first and I am thinking of trying it out. However, I haven't read anything on here as a praise or otherwise for the soil Mel...
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    As TEG grows....

    Will there be a gardens link with pics like the coops over on BYC? We could have a section for containers, raised beds, small plots and large gardens. Maybe next year even a contest of some sort for the prettiest garden or the most ingenious one. And I love the pic of the week over there of the...
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    Anyone ever start potatoes like this? Yes... another potato post

    Recently we added a couple of guinea pigs to our family of critters. I was reading a list of things they liked to eat to my Mom and MIL and sweet potato leaves were on the list. My MIL had been to the store that morning and had sitting on the counter a sweet potato by coincidence. My Mom...