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  1. Todd Ziegler

    Fertilizer math

    I buy them on clearance ,so they don't cost me hardly anything.
  2. Todd Ziegler

    Fertilizer math

    1-1-18 and 0-13-0
  3. Todd Ziegler

    Fertilizer math

    Not a problem. I am just running out of room and I am trying to combine some fertilizer together in order to make some space. My problem is that I can't pass up a clearance deal on good fertilizer. I use mostly organic but some is natural but not listed as organic
  4. Todd Ziegler

    Fertilizer math

    I am wanting to make a full gallon but I understand what you said
  5. Todd Ziegler

    Fertilizer math

  6. Todd Ziegler

    Fertilizer math

    I have 2 fertilizers that call for 1 tablespoon per gallon of water. If I combine 10 ounces of each into a separate container ,would I need 2 tablespoons of the new mix in order to get the proper amount of each fertilizer, per gallon of water, from the new mix. Please humor me, I know it is not...
  7. Todd Ziegler

    Potato planting

    I remember her going really deep with the tiller and creating a hole that could be filled in as the potatos grew.
  8. Todd Ziegler

    Potato planting

    Yeah she would go down about 8 inches I think
  9. Todd Ziegler

    Potato planting

    Yeah I tried it that way with one row and I will measure the difference if there is any
  10. Todd Ziegler

    Potato planting

    It always seemed like a lot of work to me too. That is why I never planted her way but I was just curious about how other people viewed it.
  11. Todd Ziegler

    berries or trees?

    Very good advice!
  12. Todd Ziegler

    berries or trees?

    Most berries will produce as soon as the 2nd year with the 3rd year being full production However if you want fruit trees you may want to start this year because it could be 4 full years, not including the planting year, before you get any fruit. I would recommend doing both. For example; if...
  13. Todd Ziegler

    tomato fertlizer.

    I think a lot depends on where you live and what your soil is like. I live in Central Indiana (Tipton) and our soil is some of the best in the country. I use a low nitrogen, high phosphorus /potassium fertilizer mix. I start with a 1-1-18 kelp and then add in for the first fertilizing RAW 9-61-0...
  14. Todd Ziegler

    Potato planting

    My grandmother used to dig a really deep hole for the potato and she would pour water mixed with fertilizer into the hole, put some dry dirt back in so the potatos were not sitting on the wet dirt and then cover the potato. She always had good luck with her potatos doing it this way. She used...
  15. Todd Ziegler

    Poppy somniferum ID

    They are in the area where I sowed the poppy seeds but I have never attempted to grow perennial poppies before, so I am not familiar with identifying the seedlings. I planted two different varieties of p. Somniferum and so I think the two different seedlings are both poppies.
  16. Todd Ziegler

    Poppy somniferum ID

    Do any of these look like poppy somniferum seedlings?
  17. Todd Ziegler

    Zahara double salmon rose zinnia

    Zinnias are one of my favorite annual flowers to grow but determining wether they are hybrids is a tough thing to do even when they are marked in the description one-way or another. I have seen them marked as a hybrid in one seed store and marked open pollinated in another and it's the same...
  18. Todd Ziegler

    Hybrid sunflowers

    Sorry for the late reply. I've ordered a lot from Baker Creek and they don't sell any hybrid sunflowers but it is so hard to tell if flowers in general are open pollinated or hybrid. I wanted op sunflowers because they have lots of pollin for our bees. Also I want to save the seeds. Zinnias are...
  19. Todd Ziegler

    Free seeds

    This is my second surgery in 18 years but I am doing great. It is better you have more seeds than not enough and need them. Besides I have about 10 or 12 ounces of seeds.
  20. Todd Ziegler

    Free seeds

    I don't think I have it still. I will send you about 12 seeds that way you can plant a few extras to make sure you get 3 or 4 good vines. Here is my email address just send me your address and I'll get them out to you in the next week. I just had surgery on my back a few...