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  1. F

    What is this ground cover[/IMG] This ground cover grows in my flower beds. It grows during the spring and spread out over the area. It has a purple bloom just before hot weather and then dies back. It comes back to grow again in the cool fall weather. My...
  2. F

    Home made petrin makes jelly

    Gather green apples cut into quarter, peeling, seed together.Add enought water and cook slowly untill the apple mixture is mush like apple sauce. place apple mixture in a strainer and let drain for 24 hours. the juice can be used to make jell. combine 2 cups fruit of choice, 2 cups green...
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    Growing zinnias

    The zinnia is one of the easiest flowers to grow. Here are some blooms from my Ozark garden. My grandmother always had them growing in her garden and now I grow them in her memory. Do you grow this flower? Would you show me your blooms?
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    rooting rose cutting-- help please

    My neighbor as a pink rose bush and she has been gone for a year. I went and took some cutting of the rose bush. I took new wood should I have took old wood? and how would be the best way to root the cuttings? I know about root harmone growing agent but I can't get that. I have read about...
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    corn and chicks

    I had corn come up in the brooder where I keep my new chicks and now I am growing corn and chickens.
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    Climbing roses

    I have several climbing roses but this is the best I think. The name is Ozark climbing rose bush. I live in the Ozarks so that probably the reason I like this rose bush.
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    Does anyone grow Hollyhocks? I have a hard time geting the seed to sprout. :(Any help from anyone? The photo are the ones I have now