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  1. B

    Garden art

    We have been making wood painted signs and pictures and as soon as we get them in the garden I will post some pictures.
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    Does Anyone Grow Birdseed or Millet?

    Hi, I feed the birds all the time. Infact I go through a 50 pound bag in about 2-3 weeks. I have never had anything grow! These birds eat more than I thought if they can not even let a few seeds grow! The Fox Tail Millet looks like what I buy for my parakeets. I am going to make a rock...
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    Does Anyone Grow Birdseed or Millet?

    Does anyone grow birdseed or millet? I have parakeets and I am always buying sprays of millet. I have the space, but not the know-how to grow or even where to buy the seeds. Can I plant some of the seed from the millet I buy? I would really like to know if anyone has any information on...
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    I joined!

    Nice to see ya here! It is funny how many names are from BYC. I have learned so much and have really enjoyed talking to everyone on the BYC site. This site and BYC are my favorite places on the net!
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    Crafty things with your garden?

    My husband and I have been making wooden art things for our garden this winter. He cuts things out of wood then we paint them. Cute signs and things. We just finished a scarecrow today. As soon as we get them in the garden and flower beds I will post some pictures. We made teepees out of...
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    Whos interested in native plants?

    Hi Everyone, I try to keep as many native plants as possible. I think its important for the animals. I have added trees, flowers, and shrubs. But the native plants are so important. We have cotton tail bunnys that are so cute running around. And they need sage bushes. So the sage has to...
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    Seeds for Postage/ Out for Now

    Thank you for sharing your seeds with us. Both of those are beautiful plants.
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    RED Trumpet Vine seeds

    Can Trumpet Vines be placed around chicken coops? I think that would be really pretty growing up the side giving shade to the chicken coop. I hope I am not to late. I would love to start some seeds this spring. Thank you.
  9. B

    Anyone in RI want tall phlox, day lilies, irises or black raspberries?

    I wish you were closer also. I have ten acres. The only thing on it is what I planted last summer (when I bought it) and rocks! I hope you find a taker those are beautiful plants! What color are your bulb plants?
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    heading for the border - ID/WA!

    Hi! I am sorry it has taken me soooooo long to write. My computer took a dump and I just got it back. I am in zone 6 here in Ephrata. It is dry though. We moved here from Sacramento, CA so we thought it was funny when people here complained about the heat. We thought the weather was great...
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    heading for the border - ID/WA!

    Hi, I live in Ephrata, WA, Pretty new to this kind of cold. I'm learning what can stay out and what can not. I am landscaping as natural as possible. Birds and animal friendly. It has been fun learning what grows here that provides food and shelter for the birds. Any one having any advice...
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    Zoo Poo ~ good stuff?

    How did you get this? Did you just go and ask the Circus if you could fill a few bags? I bet it would be a problem for them to get rid of all that waste. What a good idea. I am just trying to figure out how to talk my husband into thinking it is a good idea. His idea of going to the Circus...
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    Welcome To TheEasyGarden Forum!

    Hi, I think this is great! Thanks for starting this. I know it is a lot of work. I have enjoyed and learned so much from Backyard chickens Form and I am really looking forward to being an active part of this. Thanks again
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    Lookin good!

    Hi! I think this is great! I have learned so much from the Backyard Chickens Form and I am looking forward to learning here. Thanks for starting this form. I know it is a lot of work!
  15. B

    Does anyone have egg gourd seeds? or know where I can get some?

    Hi! I love painting gourds but I have never seen Christmas ornaments made out of them. Is there some where I could see a picture of them. I think this would be really fun for my granddaughter and I to do together. Thanks for the idea, Jeri