Anyone interested in silver maple seeds?


Leafing Out
Apr 22, 2010
Reaction score
We have 3 of these trees in our front yard, and my son has become obsessed with collecting the helicopters! He is 5 years old, and he wants to sell some to make some money :rolleyes:
I helped him plant over 140 seeds today for him to sell as seedlings at our local auction. One tree hasn't dumped its seeds at all yet, and the other 2 have dropped some but still have plenty on them.
I'm not sure how much to ask for them, so I guess just make an offer if you want some. He has at least 50 of these that he collected today, and there are plenty more where those came from :)
So will ya help a kid out? He uses 'his' (usually my) money for gumball machines and hot wheels cars, so a little goes a long way. Thanks!

Any tips on how to send these (box, bubble mailer, envelope?) would be helpful as well :)