Apple Recipe Help and Idea Swap... The NC State Fair is Coming!!!


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
The NC State Fair is coming and I saw they have a contest for an apple recipe! The catch, you need at least 2 cups of apples in the recipe AND it can't be a desert. Must be a appetizer, stir fry, casserole, main dish or Salad.

I've been throwing around some ideas with a friend and my husband. We talked a lot about what flavors work well with apple, and what flavors will make apples 'hardy and homey' and less sweet and more savory... ect.

So far we like cheeses would work. I was thinking Havarty, Smokey Gouda and Parmesean.

We also talked about Rhubarb, Honey, Spinach, and Orange/Citrus Zests.

Now we're trying to put together a recipe... something I can make the night before preferrably as I have to have it turned into the judges at 9am on October 19th at 9am! (Its an hour drive from here)

So far we've bounced off ideas like a spinach dip with chips as an app.

I have a cornbread in the oven with parmesean cheese and apple in it, and I was going to brush the top with apple juice mixed with honey, as an app.

Thinking about a spinach salad with fresh apples, and maybe kale or arugula. Make an apple, honey and rhubarb dressing to top it with, and some toasted almonds to set it off.

Trying to come up with a version of Sweet and Hot soup, asian style with apples rather then pineapple?!

So if anyone wants to brainstorm with us, we'd LOVE to get more ideas of flavors to use. Some ideas of meats for main dishes (I don't eat pork or beef, so I couldn't be able to test my own recipe).

As I make things, I would love to share the recipes here and have some people try it and judge what they like and don't like about each one!? How does that sound?

I am thinking of adding this project to my blog as well.

I have until the 10th to get my recipe TOO them to be told if I qualify for judging or not come the 19th.

Right now I got some rhubarb and honey and apple... I want to make an apple dressing for an apple cranberry and spinach salad (with some carrots and caraway rye croutons). I'm thinking maybe a spicey mustard mixed in the with honey/apple/rhubard dressing?!

I am about to go boil the rhubarb... I think the dressing is going to be the most important part of this.

Execution seems to be my issue with the dressing though!?


Garden Addicted
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Fuquay, NC
Ok I just made this fabulous... but WAY too sweet for the contest... apple and parmesean cornbread with honey and applesauce glaze. Its AWESOME, just more like a sweet and salty dessert then an appetizer or main dish should be.

I thought about the salsa... but I want to make something I can feed my family, and trust me... I'm the only one who eats salsa or anything with spice... so I don't want my test runs wasted! Good idea though.