Didn't mean to be a recluse


Garden Addicted
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Howell Zone 5
It just sort of happened. My wife has been dealing with a very wicked case of ulcerative colitis. She's currently on her 2nd surgery to manage it with one more to go.

The first one was mid December of last year. It's had its ups and downs. She's 2 weeks today from her most recent one. She's doing good all things considered. Gets tired quickly but her strength is coming back. She's still on a lifting restriction so logistically have to manage that as well. Long term it's going to be good it's just getting through it.

3 kids, and that alone keeps me very busy. Plus with the tragedy that I called a garden last year it was really hard to get excited to talk growing anything.

Weather took its toll, as did critters, and neglect. I didn't get much in the way of produce, and what was going to be an expanded flower bed turned into me making a few more passes with the mower.

Plan for this coming spring is to mulch, add manure when I can get it, mulch, and keep it simple. Grow enough to enjoy fresh, grow some hopefully nice pumpkins, and not take on any serious attempts to supply enough to can too.

i often thought about my friends here and the great people that make this site so special. Just honestly was so tired from everything else going on and getting things done by the time I could catch up with people here I was too tired to.

I appreciate the kind words and thoughts it's been a run alright. I know it will get better it's the getting there that's tough.


Garden Master
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
North Idaho 48th parallel
We're just happy that you could pop in for a minute and let us know you're alright. You're very missed, but I totally understand how other priorities in life demand more time and emotion.

I truly hope your wife can get on top of her health issues and get healthy again. I'm sure she's dealing with a great deal of frustration through all of these trials.
Give her a hug and let her know that though we don't know each other, I wish her the very best. :hugs

You weren't alone in the dismal garden experience this year. Mine was a huge flop. Last year I harvested a couple of 20 gallon muck buckets full of peppers, and this year I got a small colander.

Take care and pop in when you're able. :)


Garden Master
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
WV, Zone 6B
One of my roommates in college had ulcerative colitis. Very tough thing to deal with, especially with 3 kiddos to look after. Prayers going up for her speedy recovery and that it will get more manageable for her soon. :hugs

Life sure can get crazy sometimes. Thank goodness there's still the farmer's market and grocery store! Definitely gotta let some things go when there's bigger priorities. Lots of mulch will make things easier. That's what I've been doing, cardboard and mulch. I had my hands full looking after my dad this year (brain cancer, doing ok now), so I would have lost my mind if I hadn't downsized a little and buried all my trouble spots in mulch. It helps. :)


Garden Master
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
border, ID/WA(!)
I know about family health problems. Yes, priorities!

Jared, you are back and that is great! It's okay. Pull up a chair whenever you can ... and you feel like it.

I use the forum to share my intentions and ideas. I'm hopeful that there will be positive responses to provide some guidance. It's also important for me to stay inspired through the season ... During the "dark time" - winter, forum members help me in every way. Those are probably a good half of the reasons I'm here. If it was the growing season and I didn't have a garden, I'd probably just be showing up to be reassured that folks were here and that the world hadn't spun off its axis. Now, I say this but it's been so long since I had a non-gardening year, it's kind of frightening to think about.

I'm hoping to stay in the game. Hoping that you will join us in talking about how we might do that. You are carrying quite a weight on your shoulders.

. Stay calm and be inspired :).

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so lucky

Garden Master
Mar 5, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri, Zone 6
It's good to see you pop in to let us know how things are going for you. Sorry to hear about your DW's health issues. It seems there are more and more digestive/intestinal problems being diagnosed. I guess that helps the doctors be better able to treat the problem, being more familiar with it.
I think your plans for next garden season make sense. No need to be a slave to your garden, when you have your precious family to enjoy.

Carol Dee

Garden Master
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Long Grove, IA
Hey @Jared77 it is so good to see you here. Sure an sad to hear DW has been ill. On the mend now and having you is a bonus for her. ;) Hang in there. Stop and visit when you can. Stop and vent is you need to. ;) We all do now and then. That is what friends are for. Big Hugs all around. Enjoy the holidays. :hugs