Do you have any Sargent Tina crabapple experience?


Garden Addicted
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Howell Zone 5
So in my quest to make our property look more like a garden and less like a well cut meadow I've been making plans to do a bed on the side of the house.

It would be the main focal point then was going to do a shade garden under it. Hostas and heuchera would be the main plants in the bed as there are SOOO many varieties of both. The idea is to dress up the area but not interfere or compete with the crabapple.

Want to do something smaller since it's closer to to the house and near the man door that we usually go through that's part of the attached garage that we normally go into.

I'm mostly concerned because it's an E exposure shaded by the house from 1pm on. The garage blocks the southern exposure too. I'm concerned it will get enough light there. I think it will be ok but wanted to float it out there. From what I've read it's a pretty hardy variety too which is another plus in my book.

If this isn't a good fit ten any suggestions for a dwarf tree or shrub I can prune into a tree form that will do well tree and will stay about the same height (max height of 6ft) and hardy to zone 5?

Thank you and I can get pics if it will help